Selasa, 31 Juli 2012

data on FAT32

Lose data ...? Do not worry, I will try to provide solutions for those of you who have lost data. Data loss can be caused by electrical short circuit, permanent elimination of the Shift + Delete, and re-format the hard drive. This data was not permanently lost because the data is still stored on the hard disk sector but not visible. And this data can still be returned by using the program one of which is Get Data Back. The important hard drive is still in normal living conditions. Get Data Back itself there are two types:

1. Get Data Back for FAT32: to restore data on FAT32 partition

2. Get Data Back for NTFS: to restore data on FAT32 partition So before you start the process, make sure the partition type what you want the data recovery, FAT32 or NTFS. Immediately wrote, Data Recovery How to Get Data Back: It just so happens this time I use the Get Data Back for NTFS 2:31 to restore lost data in hard drive with NTFS partition Preparation tools: A. Get Data Back Program must be a full version, if not full you will only see your data but can not restore (copy) your data back. You can download this program at,, etc., so many you can find. 2. Computer with a normal windows XP.

3. Hard disk or Flash disk for extra storage capacity of the recovery in accordance with the data that you want to recover / restore.

 Data Recovery guide How to Get Data Back:
1. Install program Get Data Back on normal computers. Remember to be a full.
2. Replace the hard drive that will be recovered as a second hard drive (secondary) in the normal computer earlier.
 3. Run the program Get Data Back for NTFS 2:31, 4. Make sure the Logical Drives option is selected, continue Next.

Layer Switching

Layer Switching

Layer 3 Switching enable communication between VLAN or network segment at high speeds approaching the speed of the Ethernet cable communications in general. Communication between the network at layer 3 routers used to use common tools used for communication between sites via WAN Cloud. One device is a Layer 3 Switching NETGEAR GSM7324 Layer 3 Switch. Layer 3 Switching is very useful to reduce latency and improve performance of communications between network segments in a medium to large-scale business corporations are complex networks. NETGEAR GSM7324 Layer 3 Switch NETGEAR GSM7324 Layer 3 Switch We can improve the performance of LAN using Gigabit high-speed backbone links, and also using high-performance LAN Switch. For multi-segment network using Layer 3 Switching will greatly improve the performance of communication between the segment with minimal latency. All links should be maximized for the throughput bottleneck and all issues must be resolved. Technology that uses Link Aggregation provides a way of scalability needs of LAN bandwidth. Adoption of 10GE backbone Gigabit and future scalability will ensure that the LAN and provide seamless integration to existing network services sekaranga and in the future. You could consider NETGEAR GSM7324 Layer 3 Switch. The use of Layer 3 Switching will be able to help solve the problem of communication latency between segments and also limits the performance of which is used by packet filtering using routing based on the processor. Layer 3 Switching LAN technology is used to improve the achievement of inter-VLAN routing and transparent forwarding speed. NETGEAR GSM7324 Layer 3 switches provide all of the need for Layer 3 Switching. Standard minimum requirement for the performance of LAN and Layer 3 Switching is as follows: A. All Links must be maximized for the throughput bottleneck and all issues must be resolved. If the detection of bottlenecks is to consider the issue to upgrade the backbone link that is critis and segment2 server also needs to be upgraded. Surely there is a mechanism to analyze the throughput of Switcing and Routing. 2. To achieve a high performance communication between LAN or VLAN between the use of Layer 3 Swicthing solution is needed. 3. A Layer 3 forwarding Swicting at least offer a rate at or above 5 to 10 Mpps (Million packets per second) or can be scaled to the rate obtained on the network LAN 100/1000 Mbps. 4. A Layer 3 Switching at least also provide extended access-list (packet filtering) Checking In Silicon to increase the speed of packet forwarding and reduces network latency. High-speed network link can use Gigabit Ethernet services. Speed ​​Links can be further enhanced by using technology technologies Ether Channel (FEC \ GEC). This technology can provide a wide data pipes masing2 about 800 Mbps (for FEC) or 8 Gbps (to GEC) If the required throughput for high-speed routing internetwork or inter-VLAN communication is the use of Layer 3 Switching should be used. Layer 3 routing Switcing is a hardware solution (Silicon) with very high performance solution that can deliver high speed packet routing with low latency. Conventional routing is based on the CPU processing speed routing that produces a low (less than 500 Kbps), while some implementations of Layer 3 Switcing can provide packet forwarding rate 15 Mpps at or above or equivalent speed Ethernet technology 100/1000 Mbps. Multi-layer switching (MLS) is the switching hardware that can perform layer-2 switching, layer-3 and layer-4 or other higher layer. This is very important if in one single device is required to provide switching and routing in LAN with high performance. Layer-4 Switching is essential if the limitations of performance and latency issues through packet filtering extended access-list needs to be addressed. Layer 3 Switching Diagram Layer 3 Switching Diagram Normal packet filtering based on the operating performance of processor is very intensive, with a test package will do a lot of packet throughput. Multi Layer Switching will address the performance overhead by identifying a valid stream packets, routing packets at once and by turns all the packets into the stream switching. Optimize network performance should be in an effective manner so that adequate for the needs of current network performance and in the future. Network bottlenecks should be resolved in order to get better network performance as well as the response time of applications. By not using Layer 3 Switching between high-performance network segment, then the routing bottleneck will be unavoidable. NETGEAR GSM7324 Layer 3 Switch Here is a Netgear GSM7324 Layer 3 Layer 3 Switch that merupakak full functional Gigabit Switch with affordable prices. Netgear GSM7324 Layer 3 Switch is a switch with full management provide Layer 3 features you expect, the maximum throughput and flexibility demands jaringan2. Netgear GSM7324 Layer 3 Switch is ideal for high-speed backbone links Swicthes, Gigabit servers, or to the demands of all the Gigabit network. Netgear GSM7324 Layer 3 switches provide Layer-2 switching function and Layer-3 that can manage the quality of service combined with L2/L3/L4, bandwidth provisioning and access control feature enables VoIP telephony, video converancing, and other cost-saving applications. The following features make Netgear GSM7324 Layer 3 Switch as the core of all the demands of Gigabit networks. A. Routing capabilities: IPv4 routing at Ethernet speeds, by routing up to 512 routes per unit; VRRP (IP redundancy), ICMP, RIP I and RIP II, OSPF, and DHCP / BOOTP relay 2. Ability Switching: Port trunking, broadcast storm protection STP, extensive VLAN support, IGMP snooping, Rapid Spanning Tree, and link aggregation 3. Features quality of service: DiffServ, access control lists, and bandwidth provisioning using L2, L3, and L4. Very affordable, the Netgear GSM7324 Layer 3 Switch provides connection flexibility of 12/24 port Gigabit SFP module or a (small form-factor pluggable) sold separately.

Processor Type

Processor Type

1. RISC (Reduced Instruction Set Computer)
    - CPU Apple
2. CISC (Complex Instruction Set Computer)
    - AMD and Intel CPU

RISC stands for Reduced Instruction Set Computer. Is part of the microprocessor architecture, small form and function to negeset istruksi in communication between the other architectures.
History of RISC
The first RISC projects created by IBM, Stanford and UC-Berkeley in the late 70th and early '80s. IBM 801, Stanford MIPS, and Berkeley RISC 1 and 2 are made with the same concept that is known as RISC. RISC has the following characteristics:
• one cycle execution time: one round of execution. RISC processors have a CPI (clock per instruction)
   or the time per instruction for each round. It is intended to optimize each instruction on
   The CPU.
• pipelining: is a technique that allows to perform execution simultan.Sehingga
   process more instructions efiisien
• large number of registers: The number of registers that very much. RISC in the design is intended to be
  accommodate the number of registers is very much to anticipate in order to avoid interaction
  excess with memory.

Shortened by CISC. The series of built-in instructions to the processor which consists of complex commands. These instructions are available makes it easier for programmers to develop applications for CISC plattform. On the other hand, the number of instructions in a CISC to reduce speed. Intel's x86 chips are CISC chip of this type because it uses a complex set of instructions.
CISC is the opposite of RISC, is usually used in the processor family for the PC (AMD, Cyrix). Intel competitors such as Cyrix and AMD have also been using RISC chips but it has been equipped with the exchanger (converter) CISC.
Here will membahagikan chip RISC type of operation to some operations are more easily so that there are small orders that are able to process quickly.
The microprocessor designers seeking better performance within the limitations of contemporary technology. In the 1970's for example, memory is measured in kilobytes and very expensive at that time. CISC is the dominant approach because it saves memory.
On CISC architectures like the Intel x86, which was introduced in 1978, there could be hundreds of program instructions - simple commands that tell the system to add numbers, store the value and displays the results. When all the instructions the same length, simple instructions will waste memory. Simple instruction requires 8 bits of storage space, while the most complex instruction consumes a total of 120 bits.
Although with varying length instructions processed by the chip harder, longer CISC instruction will be more complex. However, to maintain software compatibility, x86 chips such as Intel Pentium III and AMD Athlon should work with CISC instructions that are designed in the 1980s, despite the initial advantage of memory saving is not important now.
Advantages and disadvantages of the two architectures are often the perdebatatan among experts. However, new technology using this RISC architecture.

RISC with CISC difference in terms of instructions
RISC (Reduced Instruction Set Computer)
- Emphasis on software, with a few transistors
- Simple instructions and even single
- Load / Store or memory into separate working memory
- The size of the code and kecapatan higher
- Transistor in it more for the memory register
CISC (Complex Instruction Set Computer)
- More emphasis on hardware, according to his destiny to pragramer.
- It has a complex instruction. Load / Store or Memory to Memory in cooperation
- Having a small code size and low speed.
- The transistor in it is used to store instructions - instructions are complex

We have often heard a pretty interesting debate between IBM-compatible personal computer that is labeled with the Intel Inside are labeled Apple PowerPC computers. The main difference between the two computers that have the type of processor it uses. PowerPC processors from Motorola is a major brain trust Apple Macintosh computer as RISC processors, while Intel's Pentium processor is believed to CISC. The fact that personal computers based on Intel Pentium personal computer today is the most populated. But it also can not deny that the RISC-based computers such as Macintosh, SUN is a reliable computer system with pipelining, superscalar, floating point operations and so forth.
Is it better than RISC over CISC or vice versa. But we know where exactly lies the difference. Is the processor with instructions that fewer would be better than the processor complex and complete instructions. Is it different from many processors it is just whether or not the instruction only. Is not the number of instructions not related to an a-reliable-processor. These questions are being answered through the following article. But so much closer to practical electronics, ElectronicLab will focus more on low-cost microcontroller-based RISC and CISC. As an example of a CISC microcontroller is 68HC11 made by Motorola and Intel 80C51. We also know the family PIC12/16CXX from Microchip and National Semiconductor COP8 made a RISC-based microcontroller.
CISC stands for Complex Intruction Set Computer processor which has a complex set of instructions and complete. While RISC stands for Reduced Instruction Set Computer, which means the processor has a set of instructions that program a little more. Because there are differences both in word or a complex set of simple instructions (reduced), then let's discuss a little about the instruction itself.
Microcontroller system always consists of hardware (hardware) and software (software). This software is a sequence of commands or instructions that are executed by a processor in a sequential way. Instruction itself is actually bits of logic 1 or 0 (binary) in program memory. These binary numbers if the width is 8 bits called a byte and if 16 bits called a word. Rows of this binary logic that is read by the processor as a command or instruction. To be more concise, it is a binary number usually represented by the hex number (HEX). But for people, write a program with binary or hex numbers really troublesome. So they invented the assembler language represented by the cutting down of words is quite understandable by humans.
Assembler language is usually taken from the English and the presentation is called the Mnemonic. Each plant with a homemade chip microprocessor complete set of instructions that will be used to make the program.
Binary Hexa Mnemonic
10110110 B6 LDAA ...
10010111 97 staa ...
01001010 4A DECA ...
8A ORAA 10001010 ...
00100110 26 bne ...
00000001 01 NOP ...
7E 01111110 JMP ...
Most of 68HC11 instruction set
At first, the instructions are very simple and small. Then the microprocessor designers vying for the complete set of instructions is as complete as possible. The number of instructions that evolve with the development of a more complete microprocessor design with the addressing mode is mixed. Microprocessor and has a lot of bit manipulation instructions and so on are equipped with arithmetic instructions such as addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. As an example 68HC11 has a lot of sets of instructions for branching as bne, BLO, BLS, BMI, BRCLR, BRSET and so on.
The designer also broaden the variety of microprocessor instructions to create a single instruction for the program is usually run with a few instructions. For example, the 80C51 for example the following program.
Program 'decrement' 80C51
This program is a program that reduces the repetition of the contents of register R0 to register R0 into an empty (zero). Intel adds instructions to create a set of special instructions for this:
LABEL ....
Instruction 'jump not zero decrement' 80C51
The second example of this program is no different result. However, complex instructions such as program makers DJNZ easier. Complete set of instructions that will hopefully make the user more flexibility microprocessor assembler language to write programs in a high level programming language approach. Intel 80C51 processor base developed from 8048 was released in 1976 has no less than 111 instructions. No lag, the popular 68HC11 from Motorola in 1984 equipped with 145 instructions. Due to numerous and complex instructions that 68HC11 and 80C51, two examples of this microcontroller is referred to as CISC processors.
RISC versus CISC debate began in 1974 when IBM developed the RISC processor 801. The argument used is why it takes time complex instructions. Because, in principle, a complex instruction can be done by the instructions simpler and smaller. When the use of high-level languages ​​such as Fortran and other compilers (compiler / interpreter) begins to develop. Moreover, the current compiler such as C / C + + are commonly used. So it is not really necessary instructions in the processor complex. Compiler that will work to translate programs from high-level language into machine language.
To see how the difference in RISC and CISC instruction, let's see how they do the multiplication for example c = ax b. 68HC11 microcontroller to do with the program as follows:
LDAA # $ 5
LDAB # $ 10
Program 5 × 10 with the 68HC11
Just three lines only and after this the 68HC11 D accumulator will contain the results of the multiplication of accumulator A and B, ie, 5 x 10 = 50. The same program with PIC16CXX, is as follows.
Movlw 0 × 10
Movwf REG1
Movlw 0 × 05
Movwf Reg2
LOOP addwf REG1, 0
CFSZ Reg2, 1
Program 5 × 10 with PIC16CXX
A RISC processor PIC16CXX this, do not have a specific product instructions. But the multiplication 5 × 10 is the same as the sum of the value 10 5 times. It seems to make an assembly program with RISC processors become more complex as compared to CISC processors. But keep in mind, to make complex instructions like MUL instruction and other instructions elaborate on CISC processors, complex hardware is required as well. It takes thousands of logic gates (logic gates) transistors to make such a processor. Complex instruction also requires a number of machine cycles (machine cycle) longer to be able to complete execution. Multiply instruction MUL on the 68HC11 require 10 machine cycles and instruction division requires 41 machine cycles.
RISC proponents conclude, that the processor will not elaborate more quickly and reliably. Almost all RISC processor instructions are basic instructions (not necessarily simple), so these instructions are generally only require one machine cycle to run. Except for branching instructions that require two machine cycles. RISC is usually made with a Harvard architecture, because architecture that allows it to make the execution of instructions completed in one or two machine cycles.
By comparison the number of instructions on RISC processors, COP8 only equipped with 58 instructions and PIC12/16CXX only has 33 instructions only. To realize the basic instructions that this amount is not much, RISC microprocessors do not require a lot of logic gates. Because the dimensions of the IC dice and RISC processor power consumption is generally lower than CISC processors. Not by coincidence, many PICXX microcontroller family that was released to the market with mini size. For example, the microcontroller PIC12C508 DIP 8 pin.
CISC and RISC difference was not significant if only viewed from the terminology of complex instruction set or not (reduced). Moreover, RISC and CISC architecture is different in philosophy. CISC architecture philosophy is to move the software into the hardware complexity. IC manufacturing technology currently allows for menamam thousands and even millions of transistors on a single dice. Various instructions are approaching a high level language programmers can be made in order to facilitate the programmers to make programs. CISC processors typically have some form of firmware microcode in the internal chip it useful to translate the macro instruction. This mechanism could slow down the execution of instructions, yet effective way to create complex instructions. For certain applications that require singlechip computer, CISC processors could be an option.
In contrast, the philosophy of RISC architecture is a processor architecture that is not complicated by limiting the number of instructions only on the basis of instructions as needed. Complexity to program in machine language addressed by making high-level programming language and compiler as appropriate. Because it is not complicated, the theory RISC microprocessor is a low-cost microprocessors in the true sense. However, excess space on a RISC processor used to create additional systems that exist in today's modern processors. Many RISC processors in the chip-equipped with superscalar systems, pipelining, memory caches, registers, and so forth, whose purpose is to make it a faster processor.

Partition Format USB

Partition Format USB- 1. First make sure you have a properly formatted USB disk or flash media. It must have a MBR and an active partition set. a) USB flash media- format it with RMPrepUSB selecting "Boot as HDD" and "XP bootable" options. Note that it will DELETE all partitions. NTFS is reported faster on some systems, your USB stick parameters are also factor. Whereas NTFS generally is not recommended for USB flash media, if you are not planning excessive usage, but rather occasional installs from it, then it should be safe to use it as long as you can boot from it.There is another way to format USB flash media- to use filter driver, such as Hitachi microdrive filter driver or dummydisk.sys (included, look in FILES\MULTIpartitionUSBstick folder). Using such driver will 'make' your stick to appear to Windows as fixed disk. In this case, when formatting Windows will write MBR on in with partition information. You may now use Disk management console, or third party programs to make multiple partitions and format them as you desire.NTFS performs way faster on some systems, or with some USB sticks. However, keep in mind that depending on usage and USB stick quality, it may "wear it out" quicker. !!!Make sure you set an active partition, either from Disk management, or from your favourite external program if you don't have such!!! !!!Use primary partitions when placing Windows based sources!!! !!!Usew first partition when copying Windows XP/2003/2000 Setup!!! b) USB hard disk- format it from within Windows and make sure you set active partition!!! In both cases USB boot is not guaranteed! That depends on your BIOS/motherboard, how disk is formatted and what file system etc.In general FAT16 is the best bet for compatibility, next is FAT32, then NTFS. In some cases different format tools may set improper geometry. 

 2. Select your sources a) Windows- select the folder, which contains I386/AMD64 folders. Do NOT select folder I386 itself! !!!If you used Nlite to slim it down, option "Operating System Options-->Manual Install and Upgrade for removal" must NOT be selected. This is crucial part.!!! Optionally: b) BartPE/WinBuilder/UBCD4Win/WinFLPC- select the folder, which contains I386 folder. !!!In case of WinFLPC keep in mind that BOOT.INI on target disk wll be set incorrectly!!! In order to start it for a first time, either edit in BOOT.INI disk(z) to disk(z-1) from BartPE for example, or add this to menu.lst on the active partition of the USB disk #### title Start WinFLPC map (hd1) (hd0) map --hook rootnoverify (hd0,0) chainloader /ntldr ### Above example assumes WinFLPC is on first partition of your first internal disk. Ammend accordingly. Once in WinFLPC, edit BOOT.INI on the internal disk as was mentioned above: multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(1)partition(1)\WINDOWS="Microsoft Windows FPLC" /FASTDETECT to multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINDOWS="Microsoft Windows FPLC" /FASTDETECT c) Vista / Windows 7 setup- select the folder with BOOT and SOURCES folders. d) PartedMagic- where ISO file pmagic-3.X.iso is. You need to extract somewhere and point to its location. To get PartedMagic: e) SysLinux- select your Linux distro, which boots off SysLinux. All files/folders will be copied. A file(syslin.dat), containing Syslinux bootsector will be made, and an entry in the boot menu (menu.lst), pointing to that file will be made. In case you do not select anything only syslin.dat and ldlinux.sys will be copied, plus entry in menu.lst. !!! Make sure you have not already added another source, which contains the same folders in root as the ones from Vista, UBCD4Win etc. The program will NOT overwrite files/folders.!!! !!! SysLinux cannot be started from NTFS formatted partition !!! 

3. Select target disk from the drop-down menu. Windows Setup can be started only from the first partition on the disk! It does not have to be active. Sorry, this is limitation from Microsoft- in case of removable USB disk, it can't read any partition than first. If your USB disk is not shown then: a) It's not inserted b) It does NOT have an active partition c) It's NOT formatted in FAT16,FAT32 or NTFS d) The program has a bug :) Please report details. Optional settings: 

4. Force target disk type(FIXED/REMOVABLE)- usually the program will detect that for you. Force selection only if you are using filter driver as above mentioned dummydisk.sys or Hitachi microdrive filter driver. Or if for some reason the program did not detect it correctly. This is an important part when installing Windows XP/2kX from USB hard disks, or USB flash media, which is seen by Windows as FIXED. 

 5. Copy Setup boot files only- this option will copy just a minimal set of files (7-12MB), necessary for the first part(Text mode) of the setup. Use to test how your USB disk boots, before copying the main part. !!!DO NOT continue setup, you have to stop when you see the list of hard disks detected!!! 

 6. Test in QEMU- this will launch QEMU virtual machine, which will use your USB disk as it's internal disk. You may use that as a basic test how the build went. Note that this not guarantees you the same result on real hardware. !!! Currently it's setup to use 256MB RAM when started. Make sure you have at least that amount + some extra RAM available!!! !!!USE AT OWN RISK. DO NOT PERFORM WRITE OPERATIONS WHILE IN QEMU!!! 

 7. BOOT.INI adjustments a) First field is the directory name, where Windows will be installed to. b) Disk Nr.- on which of your disks Windows will be installed to. For example if you have two internal disks, first is disk 0, second is disk 1. c) Partition number- in which partition of the above selected disk Windows will be installed to. d) Additional entries in BOOT.INI- as above, but creates additional lines in BOOT.INI with the specified data. Use it if you plan to install Windows to disks/partition/directories other than the ones above. This data will be used to create BOOT.INI on the USB disk, with the correct settings. It will be used to start the second part (GUI mode) of setup, AND to start Windows for first time, still using the USB disk as boot device. !!!Make sure the above entries are correct, otherwise you will get error messages like "HAL.DLL/NTOSKRNL.EXE was not found" I need to stress on that- make sure BOOT.INI data is correct, and DO NOT UNPLUG the USB disk until you enter first normal Windows desktop. 

 8) Press GO button, you have guessed that :) You have 2 steps, in both USB stick is your boot device (change that preferably in BIOS): -Text mode part of setup -GUI mode part of setup !!!If your source is NOT Windows XP2 SP2 or SP3, some of the compressed files in ~LS folder will be deleted during the first part(Text mode). To make another install from this disk you have to copy the missing files, use the program for this purpose and follow the prompts when it finds existing setup folders.!!! and make sure you have a driver for your mass storage (SATA/AHCI/SCSI/RAID) controller in your source.

Senin, 16 Juli 2012

Omni Directional Antenna

WiFi is a revolutionary form of radio frequency reception in It is also known as 802.11 teknoiogi normally used to transport signals from one location to another. Digital transmission is done through radio waves in order to achieve the transfer of data packets in wireless networks. Special antenna, known as WiFi antenna needed for reception of radio waves. In a network card (NIC) and the Wireless access point, there is actually an integrated antenna that can not be viewed or changed by the user. However, there are plenty of other wireless LAN devices that have an antenna that can be changed / replaced, thus providing flexibility to the network by enabling the selection of the antenna that has the desired characteristics.

It is required that the purchase of a WiFi antenna actually serve a specific purpose in a wireless network. Working standard 802.11a, 802.11b and 802.11g, entirely too dependent on signal strength,
Directional Antenna Omni Directional Antenna Vs

There are basically two types of WiFi antennas in terms of use, and differences in system and installation.

Directional antennas: This type of WiFi antennas that can generally be used for point-to-Point or Multi-Point, depending on the configuration of the wireless LAN Wireless. A common directional WiFi antenna is Type: Backfires, Yagi antenna, panel directional and directional dish type.

Omni Directional Antenna  Antenna WiFi is this type of antenna used for Point-to-Multi-Point system. This tool can serve as the main antenna to distribute the incoming signal, to other computers or peripherals in their networks. Omni directional antennas help

Omni directional antenna Wifi antenna
radio signals propagate in any direction or in the field

Omni directional antenna Wifi antenna

horizontal, but is very limited in the vertical plane. Type Omni Directional Antennas are generally composed of an antenna Vertical Omni Antenna, Omni Antenna Wibberducks, vertical and Mobile Omni Antenna Omni Antenna Ceiling Dome.
WiFi Antennas How it Works

Access points, which consists of antennas and routers, is the main source of transmission and reception of radio waves. Radio signals transmitted from the WiFi antenna is directly picked up by WiFi receivers. The receiver is equipped with a WiFi card and have the ability to capture the radio waves at certain frequencies. Every time the computer receives a signal in the range of a WiFi network (Wireless Internet Access), WiFi card read signals and create a wireless Internet connection between the user and the network.

One of the most important characteristics of a WiFi antenna is the range. The range of the signal depends on several factors, including the output power of Wireless LAN or router, Wireless LAN signal reception power is delivered, and the obstruction factor, and so on. Therefore, if necessary it should choose a better antenna, which can amplify the signal with maximum power. Efficiency of wireless systems must be upgraded with the help of an external antenna, which can be set to several directions or Omni directional quality for large area coverage and narrow, or the support link point-to-point links between buildings, high-end antennas are very useful. Directional antennas can help to reduce the number of access points required facilities, namunpun not necessarily required.

There are many kinds where people have modified the antenna WiFinya, in order to obtain the expansion of the range. Problems of use and flexibility must also be taken into account when choosing a WiFi antenna for internal or external. A good choice if someone wants a better network connectivity and efficient way to transfer data in a wireless network. Therefore, it is best to first consider before buying a WiFi antenna, whether choosing a WiFi antenna type Directional or Omni Directional Antenna.

Signal Booster

At the last post has been explained in detail about the meaning, benefits and workings of this Wifi signal amplifiers. Recognizing the needs of network users to increase the range of WiFi signal strength, most of the major network component manufacturers have mrluncurkan WiFi WiFi signal booster products to market network devices. There are many brands on the market, bergam yanng features offered, the course is offered every feature that affects the price of this WiFi signal booster. Here I review some of the best products. Make sure that your WiFi signal booster is compatible with the installation of WiFi router used. Price Wifi Signal Booster Signal Booster Hawking HiGain version 2 - HSB2 The tool is designed for WiFi LAN, the price is a signal amplifier according to the website version of the WiFi signal amplifier Amazon price is around $ 49.99 or 450.000an range. To use this tool, Router that is used must have a TNC or SMA connector for the amplifier to work. This tool can improve the signal to 5000 meters. The price of 2 packs WiFi Signal Booster Wireless Antenna / Signal Booster Router WiFi Signal Booster For this price you paid around $ 7.99, or around Rp 70000-80000. Product of Eforcity offers a greater range for your home WiFi network. With an easy plug and play, this product offers great signal strength. Many people have successfully used the WiFi signal booster and improve their WiFi network coverage substantially. With a wide range of WiFi network, you can also try tapping and hacking into your network, but I do not recommend this. But be sure that you have adequate network security by installing encryption to prevent such incidents. You will feel the benefit of tremendous signal amplification by using a WiFi signal booster. Ensure appropriate capability mechanism was whether the WiFi Signal Booster price you want. But the price of WiFi signal amplifier is not a problem compared to the benefits you get

Wireless Router

Wi-Fi or Wireless Fidelity is a network formed from the Wireless Router, which use the same as the LAN cable but this does not require an alias using the signal cable. For its own devices it is definitely hard to build a Wi-Fi networks are. Starting from the configuration of the wireless router, antenna, or a LAN cable connecting the wireless router and antenna. The cost is enough to drain the pouch.
But, do you know now there is the alternative? Fortunately Microsoft have created a system of making Wi-Fi network-based Ad-hoc, if the normally-based infrastructure using the transmitting antenna. To create your own is not too difficult. Armed with a laptop or computer with wirelessnya device, it creates a personal network of Wi-Fi.

WiFi signal amplifier

WiFi signal amplifier is one of the simplest ways to increase the range of your WiFi router. In this article, I will present a review of the WiFi signal amplifier along with an explanation of the working principle and product reviews, price is the best WiFi signal amplifier to the computer and your laptop. All WiFi networks based on the transmission of radio waves. This means that WiFi is also inherit all the flaws of the radio communication with a decrease in signal strength due to distance. When you setup a WiFi network at home, maybe disarari that WiFi has inherent limitations due to the transmission power, the internal transmitter and the physical constraints of the existence of walls and roofs. There are many tips to increase the power of WiFi networks. One way to substantially increase the signal strength of WiFi router is a WiFi signal booster. In this article, I will explain how the WiFi and WiFi signal booster works. I will also provide reviews of some of the best WiFi signal booster on the market. Common way to find a WiFi signal problems suddenly drop, perhaps by changing the location of the WiFi router, or install and buy a more powerful router and choose a faster network standards (for example) or simply choose 802.11n WiFi signal booster offered from the network device stores. This last option is the simplest. Here I will help you to understand about this last option. Is the WiFi signal boosters we can enjoy surfing the internet faster? and How WiFi signal booster work? How it Works WiFi Signal Booster To understand how the WiFi signal booster, you should be familiar with the basics of radio communications. WiFi router is basically a radio that modulate transreceiver digital data over radio wave carrier signal and demodulates digital data transmitted by WiFi devices. Expanded the range of WiFi router to the point where the radio signal strength memadadari to be received and sent back. How does WiFi signal booster?. This tool is able to receive signals transmitted from the WiFi router and retransmits the signal strength is greater than ever. In this way, the amplifier can increase the range of the router by 600% or more. Greater improvement in signal strength means that the need for data transmission is reduced, this will also increase the speed of data transfer on the network. One option is to use a WiFi signal repeaters or range extenders as well as WiFi signal booster antenna. Now let's look at some of the best WiFi signal booster for laptop and desktop computers.