Kamis, 31 Maret 2011

Network Topology

Network Topology is, things that explains the geometric relationship between the basic elements making up the network, namely nodes, links, and station. Network topology can be divided into 5 main categories as below.

1. Bus Topology

This topology is the initial topology in use to connect computers. In this topology each computer is connected to a long cable with multiple terminals, and at the end of the cable must end with a terminator. This topology is rarely used in ordinary computer network because it has some shortcomings such as its probable collision data stream, if one device is broken or there is damage to one part of the computer network will not work immediately before the damage is solved.

This topology was originally used as a medium cable Coaxial introduction of data and information. But at this point in building this topology in computer network using fiber optic cable (fiber optic) but combined with other network topology to maximize performance.

2. Ring Topology

Or ring topology is often called a ring topology is a network topology where each computer connected to make a circle. With a sense that every computer that is connected into a network of inter-connected to two other computers to form a similar network with a ring.

The advantages of this topology is the cable used may be more savings. But the shortcomings of this topology is the network expansion will be difficult because every computer will interconnect.

3. Token Ring Topology

This topology is similar to the ring topology but making more in perfected. Can be viewed from the difference image.

In the picture clearly shows how the token ring connecting cable made ​​a circle first and later will make terminals on each computer and other devices.

4. Star Topology

Or star topology is more often called a star topology. In this topology we have used the help of other tools to connect your computer network. Examples of tools in use here is the hub, switch, etc.
In one picture is clearly seen to function as a central hub connecting the computers that are interconnected. The advantage of this topology is very much at all of them easier to manage network admin, allows the addition of computers or terminals, ease of detecting defects and errors in the network. But with its many advantages in terms of topology this is not without flaws. Shortcomings include waste of cable, which centered on the hub of control sometimes so critical problems if in case of damage to the hub, then all the networks will not be in use.

5. Tree Topology

Topology tree or hierarchical topology also called and could also be called multilevel topology is the topology that can be used on the network in the storied office.
In the picture we can see the relationship between one computer to another computer with a branching hierarchy clear. central center or who are at the very top of an active central central while underneath is a passive central.

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