Jumat, 29 Juli 2011


The Internet is a network of computers that could be categorized as a WAN, connecting millions of computers around the world, without borders, where every person who has a computer can join the network by simply connecting to the internet service provider (internet service provider / ISP) such as Telkom Speedy , or Indosatnet. The Internet can be translated as an international networking (international network), for connecting computers internationally, or as internetworking (networking between networks) for network connecting millions around the world.

The Internet started when the U.S. Department of Defense (Department of Defense, USA) built a computer network in 1969, which was named ARPANET (Advanced Research Project Agency Network) in order to connect multiple computers within its universities doing military research, especially to build a network computer communication that is able to withstand nuclear attack. These networks continue to grow, more and more computers are involved, and the research side of software development is also growing. In May 1974, Vinton G. Cerf of Stanford University and Robert E. Kahn of the Department of Defense, USA, published a paper in IEEE Transaction on Communication entitled "A Protocol for Packet Network Intercommunication", the concept was later popular as a TCP / IP , when the ARPANET had adopted the protocol into standard protocols for ARPANET in 1983. The university, especially the University of California at Berkeley and then build the operating system of the Berkeley Software Distribution Unix) or BSD UNIX (known as Free BSD Unix) and the department of defense finance Bolt Baranek and Newman (BBN) for the implementation of the protocol to TCP / IP in BSD Unix to be implemented on the ARPANET, the forerunner of the Internet thus formed.

At the end of 1983, the ARPANET network divided into DARPANET (Defence ARPANET) and MILNET (Military Network). In 1985 the network was formed NFSNET (National Science Foundation Network) to connect the existing supercomputer in various universities in America and is connected to the ARPANET. NSFNET network developed by researchers continue to college. In 1988 the Internet backbone network is only a capacity of 56 Kbps. Although in 1990 the ARPANET officially closed, but the Internet network that has formed forwarded by the university in the United States and enter the university network in the Americas (Canada and South America) and networks in Europe to be part of the Internet. In 1992 the network backbone upgraded to T3 with a speed of 45 Mbps, and around 1995, increased again to OC-3 at a speed of 155 Mbps. Now the high-speed Internet backbone in order Gbps.

Internet topology is basically a mesh-topology, linking many types of networks via packet-switching systems, even if it can be said that the center of its are some of the NAP (Network Access Point) in San Francisco (Pacific Bell), Chicago (Ameritech) , New Jersey (Sprint), and Merit Access Exchange (MAE) in San Francisco (MAE West) and Washington, DC (MAE East) is handled by MFS Datanet.

Although no organization has the internet, but there are many organizations that maintain these networks through the establishment of standardization of protocols, rules, and access methods. Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) to handle the technical problems that arise on the Internet, such as problems in the protocol, the architecture and operation of the Internet. Internet Research Task Force (IRTF) to handle the technical research, such as the addressing system and other engineering. Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) controls the distribution of IP address (IP #) to various countries and organizations. Internet Society (ISOC) to handle administrative and organizational structure of the Internet.

Commercial entity then provides access services to provide connections from the user's computer to the Internet, and the agency is called Internet access provider or ISP. Some well-known ISP in the world is America On Line (AOL), Australia OnLine, CompuServe, Genie, and Prodigy. In Indonesia there are TelkomNet, Indosatnet, Wasantara Net, InterNux, and so on. ISPs provide dial-up connection via a modem-telephone, wireless connection through WLAN antenna, or ADSL connection via the telephone. Connection protocol used is SLIP (Serial Line Interface Protocol) or PPP (Point-to-Point Protocol), where the SLIP connection is usually slower than the PPP.

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