Sabtu, 11 Agustus 2012

PC-cloning work

PC-clone is a contemporary computer technology that enables a
Central Processing Unit (CPU) can be used to be operated by more than one user
at once. Usually a CPU can only be used by one person of the user.
With PC-Cloning technology, the paradigm of a CPU to a user has changed, so that 1
CPU can now be used, up to 7 users at once.

How PC-cloning work?
PC-cloning work with make the most of available resources
a CPU, such as: processor, memory, and hard drives. In principle, not all sources
maximum CPU power used when a user is using a computer. Moreover, the
with more advanced processor technology (up to Pentium 4), as well as fast and cheap
computer memory (up to DDR2 technology) today.
With PC-cloning technology, the CPU resources that do not / have not used it, can
utilized to serve other users at once.

What are the requirements for applying technology in the PC-clone?

First, it takes one or more CPUs with good specs. Specifications CPU
recommended is a Pentium 4 CPU with 1.3 GHz or higher,
at least 512 Mb of memory. More and more users to be served, the higher
CPU specifications required. In principle, the higher the CPU specification of performance
PC-clone, the better. CPU is called HOST (Computer Parent).

Second, it takes an additional tool, called the Access Terminal (Terminal Access)
Xtenda X300. One Terminal Access can be paired with 3 (three) Multi Xtenda
Box. Each Xtenda Multi Box that has been paired with a keyboard (keyboard),
mouse and monitor, will form a CLONE, a "Computer Kids" for a
additional users.
More than a CLONE, can be created by pairing Xtenda another Multi Box and its
keyboard, mouse and monitor.
Third, each Xtenda Multi Box requires a keyboard, a mouse and a
monitor and a speaker (optional, if needed). Number of keyboard, mouse and
monitor and speakers required in accordance with the number of Multi Box Xtenda attached to
Host computer.

What are the BENEFITS to use PC-clone?

There are many advantages to implement PC-clone, several of which are:
More Cost-Effective
Imagine for the procurement of computers in large quantities, say 20 units,
with the old paradigm, it takes 20 units of a complete CPU. If each CPU for example
worth USD 3 million, then the costs incurred for the CPU unit 20 to $ 60
million! This is not the cost of providing a monitor, keyboard, mouse by 20
However, with PC-cloning technology, provided enough CPU 3 pieces, which
attached to each unit of the CPU 2 Xtenda X300 Access Terminal.
Because one unit Xtenda X300 Access Terminal can produce 3 units Computer
Children (CLONE). Then 21 units of "new computer" (CLONE) can be realized!
How does it cost? For example, a CPU for Rp 3 million, then
3 CPU = Rp 9 million. One unit X300 Xtenda price USD 2.9 million, it takes 2
unit / CPU CPU = 6 x 3 Xtenda unit X300, at a cost of Rp 2.9 million x 6 units = Rp
17.4 million. Then the total cost becomes = Rp Rp 9 million + 17.4 million = USD 26.4 million!
Just compare $ 60 million vs. USD 26.4 million! Cost savings up to 70%

Monthly Cost Electrical Trimming Operations
One unit of electrical power CPU typically require between 250 s / d 400 Watt, consider
300 Watt only.
To 20 CPU units are operated simultaneously, will draw power up =
20 units x 300 Watts = 6000 Watts = 6 KWh. This is the amount of electrical power
required 20 units of CPU time that the flame in every hour! How
if the unit is working 20 hours at a time, how well the total electrical power
in a week, a month? So that the monthly electric bill must be
High ...
What about the "CPU" is constructed with a PC-clone? One unit Xtenda
Multi Box only requires a power of 5 Watts. So for 20 units
"CPU" PC-clone takes only 100 watts of electrical power = 0.1 KWh. This is clearly

alleviate the monthly electric bill!
Just compare again 6 KWh VS 0.1 KWh! Electricity cost savings of up to 98%
can be realized!
Relieve Computer Care Costs
It is common knowledge, every computer at certain times
require maintenance, service, repairs and so forth.
CPU Unit to 20, then the treatment process should be performed on all
unit, which would require a lot of time too much cost.
Suppose, for the cost of care per 1 unit CPU = Rp 20 thousand, it is necessary
at least Rp 400 thousand for the care of the CPU unit 20.
While the "CPU" PC-clone, do not require routine maintenance, but just
during installation or update (update) program. Treatment is only needed
for each CPU Host, which is only 3 units! So the only cost Rp
60 thousand for the treatment of 3 units of the CPU Host!

Facilitate the process of renewal (Up Grade) Computer Bulk
Every 2-3 years, computer technology (processor, memory, etc.) have been
growing rapidly. This resulted in the CPU that currently exist, in 2-3 years
front can be said to be out of date (out of date), so it takes
update (upgrade) in order to follow the needs of the application (software)
which continues to grow as hardware developments.
The upgrade process for the CPU unit 20 can certainly require sekalgius
huge cost! Suppose to upgrade a CPU unit to cost $ 2 million,
then it costs Rp 40 million to upgrade 20 units of CPU!
With PC-clone, just do an upgrade on the 3 Host CPU unit, the "CPU"
CLONE do not need to upgrade hardware (except just upgrade program
via the internet which is free). Provided sufficient cost Rp 6 million to upgrade the CPU unit 3
Just compare returns, Rp 40 million vs. USD 6 million! Upgrade cost savings
CPU up to 86% could be possible!

More Secure from Threats Virus / Program Disturb or Other Risks
Loss / Theft: Important Data
In the "CPU" CLONE, not provided a means to transfer data from / to the CPU Host
(Such as disk drives or USB port) - except when needed to be handled (see
point 14.
So the chances of viruses / other program that interferes with or is not
are usually preferred over the flash can be minimized.
Likewise, the loss / theft of important data that can usually be taken
users without permission to use the media diskette / flash can be prevented.
To the need to enter or retrieve data on a computer system
PC-Cloning can only be done through / on the Master Computer (HOST), which
can be monitored / supervised by an authorized officer (if required).

Can be used for (almost) All Included Standard Multimedia Applications
As well as regular CPU, "CPU" CLONE also be used for (almost) all
standard applications, ranging from office applications (office suite), graphic design standards,
games (games), to multimedia (play music / movies).
Only a few applications that require high computing resources
not recommended to run on the "CPU" CLONE, sort of application design
graphics / animation 3D (3Dimensi), or the application of 3D games.

Reduce Costs Purchase the Original Software License

Code: Select all
I've asked Microsoft Indonesia they are advised to keep buying the license number of the existing terminal and in the Register a PC in the Host, but I'm confused in how how lom tau tau ... no reply?

Currently, officers are being intensively authorities conduct raids software
pirated, including the operating system Microsoft Windows XP and MS Office it.
For 20 units of computers, it takes 20 licenses for each CPU MS Windows,
also 20 licensed MS Office and other applications licenses. Surely this
spend a lot of the cost! License MS Windows XP Home Edition SP2 (windows
original) was sold for USD 900 thousand, so the 20 license cost
amounting to Rp 18 million! That is just windowsnya, yet another software?
With PC-clone, enough software licenses provided to
each CPU Host (3 units), because the "CPU" does not need to CLONE
installed software. Sufficient funds are provided USD 2.7 million for three licenses MS
Windows Home Edition SP2?
$ 18 million vs. USD 2.7 million! 87% of funds to license MS Windows can be saved!

No More Noise and Saves Space
In the "CPU" CLONE (Access Terminal) not using a fan (fan) as
cooling components in it, so there is no noise from the fan
CPU as usual.
Multi Box Xtenda form a small (approximately 11 cm x 7.5 cm) so that it can
placed on a computer desk without eating places, of course room for
users more spacious.

What weaknesses PC-cloning technology is?
Each technology must have shortcomings or weaknesses of each. So
As with PC-clone has a few flaws, or more precisely
limitations, among others:

As a cloning / duplication, Children's Computer skills (CLONE) depends
with the performance of the Master Computer (HOST), meaning that if the specification is a specification HOST
computer with reliable performance, the performance of CLONE-CLONE formed can
approaching the performance of HOST. And vice versa.
Child computer (CLONE) can not be used for applications that require
enormous resources in its operation, such as graphics applications / animations 3 Dimensions,
renders movies, or games with 3D graphic needs and so on.
Computer separation distance between each child (CLONE) and Computer Parent (HOST) is limited
by the hardware capabilities Xtenda X300 Access Terminal (see point 19 below).
The absence of a disk drive or USB port is sometimes considered to be inherently difficult
users to transfer data. This can be tricked in this way the following 13 points.
Who or where should apply the PC-clone it?
PC-clone is suitable for application to the agency / agencies that require
availability of a large number of computers for many users at once. Such as schools or
educational institutions that hold learning or computer-related training and
Also according to the intensity of use of office computers simultaneously a
high, making it less efficient seadanyai office workers have to take turns
using the computer to finish the job.
Even PC-clone is effectively applied also for personal / family, which
require the use of computers in bulk without having to take turns, like a
families where the father often had to make his work report, the mother should always be
make the correspondence as secretary PKK, the brother must complete paper work
school, and the little brother wanted to play computer games.

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