Jumat, 12 Oktober 2012

Server DNS

In Windows 2003, tools and components for implementing the network infrastructure in the Windows 2003-2 can enter the following items:

TCP / IP and IPv4 or IPv6
Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP)
Domain Name System (DNS)
Active Directory (AD)
Routing and Remote Access
web Services
A DNS server is a computer that is running the DNS server program, such as the DNS server services or the Berkeley Internet Name Domain (BIND). DNS servers DNS database contains information about the parts of the tree structure of the domain DNS and name resolution requests are requested by the client DNS.

Server DNS was originally designed to locate hosts on the ARPANET and the Stanford Research Institute (SRI) maintains HOSTS.TXT file. if a computer is added to the network, the information from the computer is sent via email to the SRI.

Namespace hierarchy

Naming system which is based on her DNS server is a logical tree structure and hierarchy called the DNS namespace. At the root top-level domain in the central manage, while the second-level domains and the levels below it in managing the ownernya. DNS root servers to maintain data entry only top-level domain as a referral.

Domain in DNS server is part of the namespace that refers to all resources in an environment. While Zone in the DNS server can be explained as follows:

The portion in the namespace that contains the domain
One portion adjacent to the namespace in which the server is authoritative. DNS server can be authoritative for one or more zones, and a zone can consist of one or more adjacent domains.
Represented by a file stored on a DNS server. Zone files contain resource records for the zone in which the server is authoritative. In many implementations of DNS servers, the data is stored in a text file Zone: but; DNS server in the domain controller running Windows 2000 or Windows 2003 can also store files in the active directory information Zone.
Initially stores all information about a domain.
DNS resolver

A DNS resolver is a service that uses the DNS protocol to seek information from the DNS server. DNS resolver to communicate well with the DNS server or a remote control program that is on the local server computer. In Windows 2003, the functions of the DNS resolver DNS service performed by the client. Besides acting as the DNS resolver, the DNS Client service provides the additional functionality of the DNS cache mapping.

Resource record

Resource records are DNS database entries used to answer client questions. Server DNS contains resource records needed to answer questions about the portion of the DNS namespace.

Host address (A), which is the largest field of the resource record in a zone of the DNS server database that connects the computers (hosts) to their IP addresses.
Alias ​​(CNAME) or also called canonical name, you can use it for more than one name to a single host.
Mail exchanger (MX) in a DNS server, use the email application to locate the e-mail server in a zone.
Pointer (PTR) in DNS server, use the reverse lookup zone which is the host name lookup based on IP address or FQDN (fully qualified domain name).
Service location (SRV) is used to specify the location of specific services within a domain.

It was not possible to manage such large-scale namespace without a delegated administration Internet domain-2. Through a process of delegation, a new zone is formed when the responsibility of a sub-domain in the DNS namespace submitted to a separate entity. Separate entity can be autonomous organization or a branch of your business.

Delegates a sub-domain in a DNS server into a DNS record physic separating separate files.

When delegating Zone?

You should consider delegating a zone within your network when one or more of the following conditions appear:

You need a domain DNS delegation of management to a branch or department within your business organization.
You need to distribute the load of a DNS database maintenance immense into multiple name servers to improve the performance of a name resolution as well as fault tolerance.
And require structuring hosted by the branch naming your business or affiliate departments within your organization.
Type the DNS server

DNS server type refers to the type of zone in which the server hosting - or, in the case of Cache-only server (DNS sever that only serves as a cache) is not hosting him at all.

Primary name server
Save a copy of the zone file for the zone, the center of the zone update.
Changes or updates made to a zone created on the primary server.
With Windows 2003, you can deploy a standard primary zone as a primary zone or the primary zone is integrated with Active Directory.
Secondary name servers - a recommendation in the design specifications, to provide offload DNS query traffic in an area that has a load demand and use are very large.
As a backup copy of the zone file if the primary server is down
Kept separate in physics
Make Pointer to the primary name server and periodically perform zone transfers.
Caching name-server
Not hosting any zone
Not authoritative for a zone anywhere
As a cache lookup only, limited to what he cache when he resolves the request of clients.
DNS requests and stores the result
In an environment Berkeley Internet Name Domain (BIND), primary name server is often referred to as a master name server as secondary server in refernsi nae as a slave name server in an enterprise computer network.

1 komentar:

  1. A DNS 'mail exchange' (MX) record guides email to a mail laborer. The MX record indicates how email messages should
    be coordinated by the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP, the standard show for all emails).
    Like CNAME records, an MX record ought to always point to another domain.
    If you want to know that What Type Of Information Is Contained In A Dns Mx Record then visit this sit for more information:

    What Type Of Information Is Contained In A Dns Mx Record?
