Minggu, 31 Agustus 2014

ADSL technology

A. Understanding the Internet
Internet comes from the Interconnected-networking that has meaning relationships with various types of computers that form a network system that covers the entire world (global computer network) by means of telecommunications such as telephone lines, radio links, satellite and others. In a set of computer network integration and communication protocol used is TCP / IP. TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) is tasked to ensure that all links are working properly, while the IP (Internet Protocol) which transmits data from one computer to lain.TP C / IP in general functions of data transmission choose the best route, an alternate route if a route can not be in use, manage and transmit the data packets delivery. To be able to come and use the facilities of the Internet, you usually have to subscribe to one of the SP (Internet Service Provider) that exist in your city. By utilizing the Internet, the use of computers across the world it is possible to communicate with each other and sharing information with each other how to send e-mail, connect to other computers, send and receive files, discuss a particular topic on the newsgroup and others.
B. Definition of intranet
An intranet is a private network (private network) that uses the Internet protocols (TCP / IP), to share confidential company information or operations of the company to its employees. Sometimes, the term intranet refers only to services that look, the company's internal Web site. To build an intranet, then a network must have some components that build the Internet, the Internet Protocol (TCP / IP, IP addresses, and other protocols), the client and the server. HTTP protocol and several other Internet protocols (FTP, POP3, or SMTP) protocol is generally a component that is often used. Generally, an intranet can be understood as a "private version of the Internet network", or as a version of the Internet that are owned by an organization.
The Internet is a very large computer networks. In order to connect to the network (the Internet), a computer requires hardware (hardware) additional. Once the hardware is met, our computer can be connected to the internet.
1 Computer Network (LAN)
Accessing the Internet using a local computer network is the computer connects to the internet via a local network server connected to the internet. Connecting internet via LAN were commonly done in many companies, laboratories, schools, Internet cafes, and so on. In order to access the internet via LAN, we use a computer should be connected in the network. To be able to connect the computer networks we must have a network card (LAN card). Gain access the internet via LAN is the cost for a cheaper internet access. This is due to the cost of computer access shared some fatherly. That is why the cost we spend for accessing the Internet from Internet cafes cheaper than the cost of access from home using telephone wires. The downside of internet access via LAN is if you're doing a lot access, access will be slow, especially if there is limited bandwidth.
Direct Telephone Line
Connecting a computer to the internet using the home phone line (dial-up) is the easiest way to access the internet. However, to do it we have to have a modem installed in a computer, phone line, and has signed up on a particular ISP. When we use the services of internet connection via dial-up, in addition to pay a subscription fee to an ISP, we also have to pay the cost of your telephone that we use every time we access the internet. Currently Telkom has been providing Internet access service called Instant TELKOMNet. These services allow us direct access to the internet without having to register first. Instant telkomnet using access number 080989999 with the user ID "telkomnet instant" and the password "telecom". These services can be used throughout Indonesia with the local telephone toll payment. When we use this service, internet access payments made ​​will be charged to our phone payment each month. Access speeds by using a dial-up can reach 56 kbps. However, it is usually less than the maximum speed, especially if used telephone network is busy. Currently, some ISPs support dial-up service them with the data compression technology. The technology works by compressing data to be transmitted on the telephone line and then on the receiving side the data is returned (uncompress) again. This makes the data that must be passed in the telephone network becomes smaller, so that the data transmission becomes faster. Such technology can increase the data transfer speed to 4-5 times faster. The advantages of using the internet connection is dial-up network wide. Provided the phone is mounted, we can use this access. While the lack of dial-up access is still relatively expensive price, speed of access which is unstable and highly dependent on the load on the network telephone conversations, and mobility access requires that we remain on or place.
ADSL technology
Tenologi ADSL (Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line) allows telephone lines are used to skip high kecpatan premises digital signal to transmit the data. This allows us are accessing the internet at high speed. Over telephone lines. ADSL technology provides advantages kapada Internet provider and also the customer. Service providers no longer need to build infrastructure to support ADSL service Bary. Customers certainly do not need to pay for the new infrastructure. Provided that no phone lines, ADSL services can be used. Connection to the Internet by using ADSL technology allows us to download data from the Internet more quickly and efficiently. ADSL is capable of transmitting data at speeds up to 2Mbps to users within 5 miles from the telephone exchange. Kelebhan other than a dialup connection, the connection to the internet will not be disturbed even though no incoming or outgoing call. Vice versa, the phone can still be entered even if the channel is being used for the Internet. In other words, we can still use the internet while using the phone simultaneously. This can not be done with dial-up connection.
In addition, the use of ADSL technology advantages are:
1 You can connect to the internet, and can still use the phone to receive / call.
2 speed is much higher than a regular modem.
3 Do not need a new phone cable, ADSL allows using existing telephone wiring.
4 Some ADSL ISP will provide ADSL modem as part of the installation.
The disadvantage of the technology is ADSL modem price is relatively more expensive compared to a modem for dial-up. In addition, the subscription price of the ADSL connection is still relatively expensive when it is used only for individuals. ADSL service is also not available in all regions, in addition, there are also other drawbacks are:
losses ADSL
1 ADSL connection will work perfectly if our location is quite close to the telephone exchange.      At least within 2-3 km stretch of cable is usually quite safe to use ADSL to      speeds around 8 Mbps. New DSL technology that can transmit data at speeds very      height of up to 100 Mbps. Of course, for a very short distance.
2 ADSL connection is faster for receiving data than sending data over the internet.
3. old copper cable can degrade the quality of the connection and lower the speed.
4. no ADSL service area which no telephone wires.      To be able to use ADSL, we have to provide an ADSL modem and is also listed as      ISPs that provide customer connection services using ADSL technology.
Cable TV Network
Some cable TV companies also provide Internet access through cable TV networks. Internet access using cable TV network is the right choice for internet users within a family, where people can access the internet and keeping together. Cable TV networks were made for data communication lines wide. This is because the TV cable must pass data moving pictures and sound with high quality. If the internet is used for the size of the data that is passed only much smaller, we will get a very fast internet access. Typically, costs incurred for Internet access with cable TV service is bundled with cable TV. Therefore, the cable TV network users surf freely without having to add the cost of expenses. Excess use your network to access the Internet with cable TV is that we can access the internet at any time and free of distractions busy phone. The downside of intrnet access with cable TV network is only available in major cities and even then limited in certain areas are accessible by cable TV service.

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