Rabu, 17 Desember 2014


Wireline The function of the network is to share its resources and to communicate electronically. • A network typically consists of two or more computers that are relate. • Computer Network works with the use of wireline cables as liaison between computers. • The cable used is a coaxial cable, twisted pair, and fiber optics. • On each computer must be equipped with interface card called with NIC (Network Interface Card) or LAN (Local Area Network) • Network cable is typically used on small areas, for example in a room and the building. • Every computer connected to the network has a MAC address or IP address (Internet Protocol) different.
Wireline Networks of Excellence • Data transmission 10 s.d. 100 Mbps, • Delay or a connection between computers quickly, • Data transmission running smoothly • Cost of affordable equipment Weakness wireline networks • The use is limited to one affordable place wires, • Time for the old installation • Requires the place and location of permanent network • Requires regular maintenance costs • It is difficult to migrate Network Wireless (Wireless) • Along with the sophistication of information technology, to build a computer network can be made possible without the use of cable (wireless). • To replace the connecting cable can be used as a wave radio (Radio Frequency), infrared light (infrared), Bluetooth, and via microwave (microwave). • mobile computer, such as notebooks and Personal Digital Assistant (PDA) is a computer that can be used on a wireless network.
The advantages and benefits of wireless networks: • Mobility Wireless -Network provide real-time access to network users anywhere while in the access limits. • Speed of Installation The process in the network installation is relatively faster and easier because it does not require cables to be installed as a liaison. • Flexibility place Wireless network or wireless is very flexible on where, in contrast to the cable network is not possible to be installed without wires. • Reduction Budget -When A transfer occurs, the budget can be reduced even though the initial investment in a wireless network is more costly than wired networks. Installation costs can be reduced because it does not require wiring and maintenance costs were cheaper. • Ability to Reach -Configure Network can be changed from a peer-to-peer for a small number of users into the network infrastructure more. In fact, can reach thousands of users that can roam with a wide range. Weakness Wireless Networks • Data transmission is only 1-2 Mbps which is much lower amount when compared to the wired network. • Transmission of data from different computers can interfere with each other. • The cost of expensive equipment. • There is a time delay or a great connection • The radio propagation problems, such as blocked, reflected, and many sources of interference. • Network capacity limitations caused by spectrum not great (frequency band can not be extended). • Data security or confidentiality of data is less reliable. • The signal is discontinuous (intermittence) caused by the presence of objects blocking the signal
Network with Modem • The modem is an electronic medium to connect computers to the Internet network. • The modem works using digital signal translates into an analog signal to be transmitted and vice versa, translating analog signals into digital signals. Based on the technology, the modem can be distinguished: • Dial-up Modem (Modem Phone) • Cable Modem • DSL Modem Dial-up Modem • Working with using a wireline network is wired telephone. • To be able to subscribe to the Internet with a dial-up models can contact your ISP (Internet Service Provider). • type dial-up modem on the market consists of an internal modem and an external modem. • The internal modem is installed on the mainboard expansion slots while the external model is mounted on a computer using a serial data cable or data cable USB. • In Indonesia, some ISPs provide services to the Internet with a dial-up modem including Telkomnet, Indosatnet, Wasantaranet, and CBNnet. • To date, the dial-up internet access. Network with Modem • The modem is an electronic medium to connect computers to the Internet network. • The modem works using digital signal translates into an analog signal to be transmitted and vice versa, translating analog signals into digital signals. Based on the technology, the modem can be distinguished: • Dial-up Modem (Modem Phone) • Cable Modem • DSL Modem Dial-up Modem Cable Modem • Cable Modem has a way of working that resembles how the Network Interface Card (NIC) or ethernet card that is installed on a computer to a Local Area Network (LAN). • The difference between how the modem with ethernet is the distance problem. Modem is not influenced by the distance despite only having a speed of 50 Kbps (kilobits per second), while the ethernet which has a speed of 10 or 100 Mbps (megabits per second) can only be within a maximum distance of approximately 1 km. Cable modem speeds ranging from 3-56 Mbps, and can work within a distance of 100 miles more. • The work process is separate from the cable modem from the cable TV signal into two signals to television and data signals are connected to the cable modem. Both signals it will not interfere with each other. Then the cable modem is connected to the network card (Network Interface Card) contained in the PC (Personal Computer). Downstream data rates (incoming signal) average ranges between 4-56 Mbps. • To be able to connect the Internet, cable television service providers to connect itself to the Internet backbone service providers greater, namely the connection OC-3 (155 Mbps) or multiple redundant OC-3. Multiple redundant OC-3 can handle the bandwidth requirements of many customers. • To be able to connect the Internet, cable television service providers to connect itself to the Internet backbone service providers greater, namely the connection OC-3 (155 Mbps) or multiple redundant OC-3. Multiple redundant OC-3 can handle the bandwidth requirements of many customers.
• Currently, DSL (Digital Subscriber Line) is The main competitor of cable modems. • In terms of speed and cost is no different away with the cable modem. • Technology for a new DSL modem available is ADSL (Asymmetric Digital Subscribber Line). • In Indonesia, not all the areas covered by DSL technology. • ADSL telephone cable network that has been upgraded or have specific enhancement. ADSL does not require a second phone line but need a splitter to the division between the modem to the phone. • ADSL speed is not too much different from the cable modem, where the downstream speed (data entry) a maximum of 1.5 Mbps and upstream speeds (data out) ranged from 64 Kbps. ADSL technology will develop a modem with a speed of 52 Mbps, approximately 50 times better than the current one.

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