Minggu, 23 September 2012

Network problems

Network problems can cause interference with and disruption of network applications in business continuity. The scale of this disorder can vary depending on the noise source and the effect on your network infrastructure. Network problems can cause downtime (behold what language nich ...?) And downtime this may vary depending on how well you plan contingensi planning. Good management system on your network documentation can help you minimize downtime and facilitate you in troubleshooting network problems. There are many types of network problems that can cause interference on a computer, local network outages, through interference with the global network of business connections in your corporate. Network problems due to the failure of a network cable This one is a common network problems that we have encountered due to rupture the network cable that can affect the performance of a computer in the network because your patch cable rupture due bitten by rats; networking issues that affect a building block as loss of cable between the switch (uplink cable), or even impact on most of the computers in your lan network for backbone cable failure. Network problems that impact on a computer just may not be a big deal except that the computer or the director general of you. But the network problems that impact on your lan network as a whole or even global impact in corporate flying businesses you can make you out in a cold sweat profusely. In this system a large-scale network infrastructure, system redundancy must be applied. So if there is a failure in a network path will not lead to a network failure in a long time. In a multi-switch networks are complex then Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) must be enabled and in tuning manually. STP is a service that allows a network switch and bridge-2-2 LAN you are connected to one another by redundant with a mechanism that can prevent bridging loops. Bridging the data packets it loop circling the Kismet network address until exhaustion and finally Koid. Bridging loops can cause network traffic jam or the so-called broadcast storm. Network problems due to the failure of network devices The scale of disruption caused by the failure of network devices can also vary, from just a computer because of the failure of NIC - lan card, some computers because of the failure of a switch, or even a large scale because of the failure of the switch that connects central network server. For failure lan card in one computer can be replaced with your spare network card. And what if a network failure that caused damage to the switch? Design your redundancy on the network will be very helpful in saving your network failures. The need for load balancing and redundancy should be reviewed for any need based use of link redundancy; tool router; switch and a multi-homed host is critical. The purpose of the system redundancy is intended to ensure the availability of services where there is no single point of failure-prone. Let us look at the picture above of system redundancy. Redundancy switches, if a problem occurs due to the failure on the switch A, switch B can still serve to supply the link to the server as well as to the two distribution switches and a link to the WAN. This type of problem is not the network will affect the system server down. Router redundancy will make the backup WAN link when there is a problem with one router. For example one of the router that connects your frame relay network to the other, then there is still only one backup link router. Redundancy link - will backup link if there is a network problem with the breaking of the link to the server or to the switch. We can apply this redundancy system on the model of the previous scenario linking the two offices Mining and HR to draw two Cat5e UTP cables underground as link redundancy. Make sure that both the cable redundancy is not connected to the same switch, because if there is a failure of the switch it will be useless too. For internet link redundancy, actually many routers on the market with two or more WAN port so it does not need two routers. Routers are typically small to medium office where two WAN ports can failover - failback. So if the primary link fail, it will failover to the backup link. Or it could be the second link is load balancing, call FVS336G Dual Wan Gigabit SSL VPN Firewall. Network problems due to system failure Although the system failure was not a result of the failure of the network infrastructure, your users will still call you with questions like: "hello Agus ... no matter what network? I can not access my email ... or I can not access internet ... or even a question from a radio operator "Agus hello ... I really can not access the folder chairman yach ... why?" System failure may be due to a problem with the DHCP server so that the clients do not receive an IP address. Or it could be because there is a problem with your system Directory Services so that clients can not logon to jaringan.Atau could be due to a problem with the register the name on your DNS system. Network problems due to viral explosion This species is also a network problem and not because of the failure of the physical network infrastructure, but the system will be overwhelmed with traffic network from the effects of a virus attack systems and servers to infect all the computers in your network. The performance of your network system will be extremely slow even arguably collapsed. What can you do with this virus attack is to implement best practice security policy, you should be immune defense system once. All sorts of network problems, you as a network and systems administrator should be able to resolve the problem. No matter whether the problem is a failure of your network device, or your computer system problems; intruders who attack systems or your system infrastructure. A good redundancy network design and good management system is a must in a broad range of network scale and complex.

1 komentar:

  1. There are so many other issues like DNS changes and mapping out the whole network with each and every setting on the work stations. I set up a whole system with help in my workplace, and not only you have to be there for any slightest issue, but you are even blamed for it (unknowingly).

    Good post



    SAN IT
