Jumat, 12 Oktober 2012

Protocol TCP IP

In this network "wired" LAN, TCP IP protocol is a protocol that is widely used on the network it PC to PC, small-scale local networks at home, at the office, network scale medium to large scale redundance in a complex network in a corporate. In the configuration settings every Windows computer that you will connect to the network, you always relate to this IP TCP protocol.

Protocol TCP IP is the protocol that is most widely used on computer networks in the world, its popularity is reasonable with the fact that:

Scalability and routable
Open standards - not a patent
Standard is mature and stable
Almost all reset yan underway involving technology that uses TCP IP protocol
Is a protocol suite used on the Internet
When you as a network administrator decides to use the TCP protocol in the IP network infrastructure planning, you are able to realize the work behind the lawyer's aplikasian TCP IP protocol. You must configure all devices to be incorporated in the future. Such as providing a unique IP address for each network device and all other parameters. Of course, using technology that is already available, such as providing automatic IP already available that will ease the burden of administrators. With the use of the IP protocol is TCP, you must already include the planning agenda IP address on your corporate network given that the IP address is vital.

Each physical network segment requires a unique network address in a network system
Each host on the network requires a unique IP address on the network segment
IP addresses are made by the network ID and host ID address
Class Address and the subnet mask determine how many hosts can be contained within a single network segment
Protocol TCP IP uses IP addresses to identify computers on the network. Each packet is transmitted to the computer IP TCP protocol provides the IP address of the computer that will receive the package, while also using the IP address of the router to forward packets to the appropriate destination (see also the article on Ethernet networks).

Networking with TCP IP protocol has two basic elements as follows:

TCP IP Infrastructure
Infrastructure network core
Internet Connectivity
DHCP Services for rental service IP address on the network
Services DNS server
WINS Server Service
TCP IP protocol suite

TCP IP protocol services, if in reference to the layer of the OSI model is on the Internet and Transport layers that make up the TCP IP protocol suite. TCP IP Protocol is a set of protocols established TCP IP protocol suite.

Two different protocols that run together using the same infrastructure
IP, Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP), Address resolution protocol (ARP)
TCP, User Datagram Protocol (UDP)
Protocol-2 applications such as:
Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP), Post Office Protocol 3 (POP3), Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP)
Telnet, Secure Shell (SSH)
Server Message Block (SMB)
In conjunction with the OSI reference model, TCP IP protocol suite can be illustrated in the following diagram:

Communication protocol TCP IP

When information is passed down the stack-2 TCP IP, each layer adds information to the data packet.

o Data-2 application package contains the actual data to be sent there at the Application layer

o Passing layer Host-to-Host (or transport layer) were tagged with the PORT packet sending and receiving computers, whether it is eg PORT 25, which is an application SMTP (email), HTTP PORT 80 for application (internet) or more.

o The packet is dropped to the IP layer (or the network layer) to be tagging routable address or network address to the computer sender and receiver.

o The packet is dropped into the Network Access layer, down to the network driver layer itself where the physical device address (MAC address) is in tagging the packets for the sending and receiving computers.

And then here decided where data packet is transmitted, how to send and where his goals. Pack it miss from end to end, it could be a physical NIC package from your computer to the default gateway, and from there the package sent to the next hop, the next hop and continue from hop to hop and hop on to any particular location, the decision needs to be made where the package will be delivered and at the end of the end point:

o Package towards TCP IP stack up stack after stack

o Information peeled every layer stack is treated just like a stack stack beside the sender's just not here yet released taggingnya ditagging, peeled, or stripped down core taken alone (java: dijokok ontonge tok ... hehe ...)

This is the foundation that must be understood in the TCP IP protocol as the process is valid from PC to PC from the network until the network is very complex in a global corporate network across WAN links through either through a frame relay network, or over the network or via the ISDN point-to-point.

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