Kamis, 25 Oktober 2012

Cabling type Lan

Cabling type Lan
Several physical data-transmission media are available to connect together the various devices on a network. One possibility is to use cables. There are many types of cables, but the most common are:

Coaxial cable
Double twisted pair
Optical fibre
Coaxial cable
Coaxial cable has long been the preferred form of cabling, for the simple reason that it is inexpensive and easily handled (weight, flexibility, ...).

A coaxial cable is made of up a central copper wire (called a core) surrounded by an insulator, and then a braided metal shield.

The jacket protects the cable from the external environment. It is usually made of rubber (or sometimes Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) or Teflon).
The shield (metal envelope) surrounding the cables protects the data transmitted on the medium from interference (also called noise) that could corrupt the data.
The insulator surrounding the central core is made of a dielectric material that prevents any contact with the shield that could cause electrical interactions (short circuit).
The core, which actually transports the data, generally consists of a single copper strand or of several braided strands.
Thanks to its shield, coaxial cable can be used over long distances at high speed (unlike twisted pair cable), however it is usually used for basic installations.

Note that there are also coaxial cables that have a double shield (one insulating layer, one shield layer) and coaxial cables with four shields (two insulating layers, two shield layers).

Normally, two types of coaxial cable are used:

10Base2 - thin coaxial cable (called Thinnet or CheaperNet) is a thin cable (6 mm in diameter), that is white (or grayish) by convention. It is very flexible and can be used in most networks by connecting it directly to the network card. It is able to transport a signal up to around 185 metres without line loss.
It is part of the RG-58 family whose impedance (resistance) is 50 ohms. The different types of thin coaxial cables are differentiated by the central part of the cable (core).
Cable Description
RG-58 / U Central core consisting of a single copper strand
RG-58 A/U Braided
RG-58 C/U Military version of RG-58 A/U
RG-59 Wide band transmission (cable television)
RG-6 Thicker diameter, recommended for higher frequencies than RG-59
RG-62 Arcnet Network

10Base5 - thick coaxial cable (Thicknet or Thick Ethernet and also called Yellow Cable, because of its yellow colour - by convention) is a shielded cable with a thicker diameter (12 mm) and 50 ohm impedance. It was used for a long time in Ethernet networks, which is why it is also known as "Standard Ethernet Cable". Given that it has a larger-diameter core, it is able to carry signals over long distances: up to 500 meters without line loss (and without signal reamplification). It has a bandwidth of 10 Mbps and is very often used as a backbone to connect networks whose computers are connected with Thinnet. However, because of its diameter, it is less flexible than Thinnet.
Transceiver: the connection between Thinnet and Thicknet
Thinnet and Thicknet are connected using a transceiver. It is equipped with a so-called "vampire" plug that makes the real physical connection to the central part of the Thinnet by piercing the insulating envelope. The transceiver cable (drop cable) connects to an AUI (Attachment Unit Interface) connector, also called a DIX (Digital Intel Xerox) connector or a DB 15 (SUB-D 15) connector.

Coaxial cable connectors
Thinnet and Thicknet both use BNC (Bayonet-Neill-Concelman or British Naval Connector) connectors to hook up the cables to computers.
The following connectors are in the BNC family:

BNC cable connector: this is soldered or crimped to the end of the cable.
BNC T-connector: this connects the computer's network card to the network cable.
BNC Extender: this joins two coaxial cable segments to form a longer one.
BNC terminator: this is placed at each end of a cable in a Bus network to absorb interference signals. It is connected to earth. A bus network cannot function without them. It would stop working.

Twisted pair cabling
In its simplest form, twisted-pair cable consists of two copper strands woven into a braid and covered with insulation.

Two types of twisted pair cable are generally recognized:

Shielded Twisted Pair (STP);
Unshielded Twisted-Pair (UTP ).
A cable is often made of several twisted pairs grouped together inside a protective jacket. The twisting eliminates noise (electrical interference) due to adjacent pairs or other sources (motors, relays, transformers).

Twisted pair is therefore suitable for a local network with few nodes, a limited budget and simple connectivity. However, over long distances at high data rates it does not guarantee data integrity (i.e. loss-less data transmission).

Unshielded Twisted Pair (UTP)
UTP cable complies with the 10BaseT specification. This is the most commonly used twisted pair type and the most widely used on local networks. Here are some of its characteristics:

Maximum segment length: 100 metres
Composition: 2 copper wires covered with insulation
UTP Standards: determine the number of twists per foot (33 cm) of cable depending on the intended use
UTP: collected in the EIA/TIA (Electronic Industries Association / Telecommunication Industries Association) Commercial Building Wiring Standard 568. The EIA/TIA 568 standard used UTP to create standards applicable to all sorts of spaces and cabling situations, thereby guaranteeing the public homogeneous products. These standards include five categories of UTP cables:
Category 1: Traditional telephone cable (voice but no data transmission)
Category 2: Data transmission up to a maximum of 4 Mbit/s (RNIS). This type of cable contains 4 twisted pairs
Category 3: 10 Mbit/s maximum. This type of cable contains 4 twisted pairs and 3 twists per foot
Category 4: 16 Mbit/s maximum. This type of cable contains 4 copper twisted pairs
Category 5: 100 Mbit/s maximum. This type of cable contains 4 copper twisted pairs
Category 5e: 1000 Mbit/s maximum. This type of cable contains 4 copper twisted pairs
Most telephone installations use UTP cable. Many buildings are pre-wired for this type of installation (often in sufficient number to satisfy future requirements). If the pre-installed twisted pair is of good quality, it can be used to transfer data in a computer network. Attention must be paid, however, to the number of twists and other electrical characteristics required for quality data transmission.

UTP's major problem is that it is particularly susceptible to interference (signals from one line mixing with those of another line). The only solution to this is shielding.

Shielded Twisted Pair (STP)
STP (Shielded Twisted Pair) cable uses a copper jacket that is of better quality and more protective that the jacket used for UTP cable. It contains a protective envelope between the pairs and around the pairs. In an STP cable, the copper wires of one pair are themselves twisted, which provides STP cable with excellent shielding, (in other words, better protection against interference). It also allows faster transmission over a longer distance.

Twisted pair connectors
Twisted pair cable is connected using an RJ-45 connector. This connector is similar to the RJ-11 used in telephony, but differs on a few points: RJ-45 is slightly larger and cannot be inserted into an RJ-11 jack. In addition, the RJ-45 has eight pins while the RJ-11 has no more than six, usually only four.

Fibre optics
Optical fibre is a cable with numerous advantages:

Immune to noise
Low attenuation
Tolerates data rates on the order of 100 Mbps
Bandwidth from tens of megahertz to several gigahertz (monomode fibre)
Fibre optic cabling is particularly suited to links between distributors (central link between several buildings, known as backbone) as it allows connections over long distances (from several kilometres to 60 km in the case of single-mode fibre) without requiring earthing. Furthermore, this type of cable is very secure as it is extremely difficult to tap in to such a cable.

However, despite its mechanical flexibility, this cable type is not suitable for local network connections as it is difficult to install and is very expensive. For this reason, twisted pair or coaxial cable are preferred for short links.

Client computer

The computer network is a system that consists of computers and other network devices are connected to each other, working together to achieve a goal. Network devices is critical to the ongoing relationship or communication between computers.

Information moved from computer to computer using a network rather than through human intermediaries. So make information exchange easier and faster.

Most basic network has two computers that communicate with each other by cable medium or any other medium. When your computer is connected to another computer, you can move information quickly and efficiently.

In the book "Networking Complete" explained that a bunch of computers and other equipment are connected together is called network, while the concept of the connected computer and share resources (resources) is called networking.

Network Building Blocks
All of the network, be it large or small, require specialized hardware network. For small networks, the hardware may consist of nothing more than a network interface card (NIC) on each computer, cable for each computer and network switch where all the computers are connected. Large networks may be artifacts of additional components such as a router or repeater.

Small or large, all networks are built from the following basic building blocks:

Client computer
Computers are used by end users to access existing resources dijaringan. Client computer is sometimes designated as a workstation.

Computer server
The computer that provides resources used to be together, such as disk storage and printers, as well as network services, such as e-mail and Internet access. Server computers running the operating system in particular specialized tissues such as Windows Server 2003, NetWare, or Linux, as well as special software to provide network services. For example, the server may be running Microsoft Exchange to provide e-mail to the network, or run the Apache Web Server so that computers can serve Web pages.

Network interface card (NIC)
Network interface card installed in the computer allows computers to communicate over a network. Almost every NIC implements networking standard called Ethernet. Each client computer and the server must
has a network interface card (or built-in network port) if you want to be part of the network.

Computers in a network are usually physically connected to each other by using a cable. Although there are some popular types of cables, wires commonly used today is a twisted pair or also called 10BaseT. Other cable types are also commonly used is coaxial or also called 10Base2. For high-speed network connection, sometimes used fiber-optic cables. In most cases, cable laid through the wall and collected diruangan called central wiring closet. But for smaller networks, cable is usually just laid on the floor.

Cable networks are usually not connected directly to the computer. Instead, each computer is connected by cable to a device called a switch. Switch, instead, connect to the network. Each switch contains multiple ports, typically 8 or 16. Thus we can use
8 port switch to connect eight computers.

Switches can be connected to each other to build a larger network. Old network might still exist that use a tool called a hub than a switch. Hub provides the same function as a switch but not seefesien switch.

Wireless networks
On the wireless computer network to communicate with other computers via radio signals. In wireless networks, radio transmitter and a radio receiver replacing the cable. The main advantage is the flexibility of the wireless network. With a wireless network, we do not need to pull the wires through the walls or the ceiling, and a client computer can be located anywhere as long as the broadcast network distance. The main disadvantage of the wireless network is less secure than wired network.

Software Network
Despite the critical network hardware, in fact actually running the network is the software. Many software must be set up according to the order for the network to work. Computer servers in particular uses a special operating system network (network operating system or NOS) to function efficiently, and the client computer requires a properly configured network settings in order to access the network.

The purpose and benefits of building a computer network
In building a computer network must have a purpose and benefits that are very helpful to us as follows:

Sharing resources
We can divide the existing resources in the sense that it can be used together as the program, equipment, or other peripherals that enable every person who is on a computer network without having to be affected by the location.

Media communication
May allow for communication between network users, both for teleconferencing, instant messaging, chat, send electronic mail (e-mail) or send other important information.

Data Integration
Can prevent reliance on a central computer, each process data should not be done on one computer but can be distributed to other places or in other words can be done by the other computers in the

Security of data
Computer network system can provide protection against data through setting user permissions and passwords, as well as other protection techniques.

Web Browsing
To access information on the network, such as web browsing. Almost everyone who reads this article may never use a web browser (such as Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Netscape, Opera and others). The web browser enables us to see the information in a web server somewhere on the Internet.

Development and maintenance easy and cost-saving.
For example, a company can save on equipment that must be used.

Network-Based Application
Network is used to provide network services for network users. Applications available networks in general, ie file services, print services, web services, e-mail, file transfer service.

File Service
The computer where the file is stored is called a file server. The other computer (the access) is called the client, and that can be done is to read and write to these files, without the need to create a local copy of the file on the disk drive client. The service is usually transparent to the end user.

Print Service
Printers are connected to a computer called a print server. Client computer can send a file to the print server, which then prints the file to the printer. This server is usually transparent to the user.

Web Service
The server stores a variety of information, including text, graphics, animations, images, video, and audio. End user uses a web browser to request information from a server. The server returns information displayed by the web browser.

End users create e-mail using the e-mail client and send e-mails to a particular person. E-mail server to help the process of sending e-mail.

File Transfer Service
Files are also stored on the server. This server allows a computer (client) to copy the files from the server to their local disk drive and replace the contents of the file on the file server with the files on the local disk drive client.

Classification of computer networks based on area
Computer networks can be classified based on the size of the network area LAN, MAN, WAN.

LAN (Local Area Networking)
Local Area Network is a network of personal property in a single location, usually on one floor of a building, campus, or all the computers in an enterprise. The magnitude of the coverage area of ​​a LAN network can be several kilometers.

MAN (Metropolitant Area Networking)
Metropolitan Area Network is basically a larger version of LAN and generally using the same technology. And coverage may be a group of adjacent branches.

WAN (Wide Area Networking)
Wide Area Network to reach a large geographical area, usually a country or continent.

Computer Networks Based on Role (function)
Based on the role then there are three types of computer networks, the client-server (sometimes also called server-based), peer-to-peer, hybrid network:

That computer networks where the network is there a dedicated computer as a server. The server has a responsibility to provide a service / services provided to other computers.

Common services provided by servers typically provide services such as file services, print services, web services, e-mail, file transfer service. Where will the computer (client) can access the services provided by the server.

Is a network of computers where each computer can be a server and a client simultaneously. For example, the file sharing between computers on the network Windows Network Neighbourhood there are 5 computers (we named A, B, C, D and E) are granted access to the files they have. At one point A to access the file share of B named data_nilai.xls filesoal_uas.doc and also gives access to C. When accessing a file from B then A serves as a client and as a give file access to C then A is acting as a server. Both functions were performed by the same A network like this so called peer to peer.

Hybrid Network
Most of the network is actually in fact a hybrid network. In this network generally have active domains and workgroups. Hybrid network is a network-based client-server which in addition to the network servers provide resources most needed by the user, but the user is still
can access the resources provided by other users (peer-to-peer) in a workgroup.

Network topology
Based on the network topology, computer networks can be distinguished:

Bus Topology
Star Topology
Topology Ring
Mesh Topology (Random)
Topology Tree (Hirarkies)
Linear Topology

Linux Samba

Linux Samba is a program that can bridge the complexities of the various Linux operating system platforms (UNIX) with Windows machines running in a computer network. Samba is an application of UNIX and Linux, known as SMB (Service Message Block) protocol. Many operating systems such as Windows and OS / 2 that uses SMB to create a client / server network. The protocol allows the server Samba Linux / UNIX to communicate with client machines that use the Windows OS in a single network.
Samba is a software operating system that works on linux, unix and windows that use the network protocol smb (server massage block). Smb is a data communication protocol that is also used by Microsoft and OS / 2 to show the function of a client-server network that provides file and printer sharing and other tasks related.

Samba is able to share files with a computer operating system linux, unix and windows with peer to peer systems. In addition to bridge divide the samba file system functions such as the use of client-server PDC (primary domain control), DHCP (dynamic host configuration protocol), DNS (domain name system), FTP (file transfer protocol), web server, mail server, telnet , ssh and more.

Samba is able to share files with a computer operating system linux, unix and windows with peer to peer systems. In addition to bridge divide the samba file system functions such as the use of client-server PDC (primary domain control), DHCP (dynamic host configuration protocol), DNS (domain name system), FTP (file transfer protocol), web server, mail server, telnet , ssh and more.

Many applications that run on linux and samba thus bridged by linux or unix windows can use it. One example is a firewall application. Firewalls can be configured here as we want, such as the firewall will run when the computer is turned on, when dial-out, or when it gets the ip from the dhcp server.

Other applications that can be bridged running samba is a proxy server using squid. This proxy security functionality can be easily arranged by the purpose, sources and how to access the destination. Samba also has applications swat. That is a web-based application that samba is made to facilitate the samba settings you want.

The following are facilities that can bridge the samba software which are as follows:
a. Sharing files with samba.
b. Use swat.
c. Sharing equipment with samba as printers and others.
d. Setting user and group security configuration such as samba as PDC.
e. DHCP support.
f. Supports DNS.
g. Linux network security settings like firewalls and anti-virus.
h. Use FTP server.
i. Using Webserver.
j. Configuring the Internet gateway.
k. The use of mail server.
l. The use of a proxy server ..
m. Use telnet and ssh
n. And much more.

Function / Usage Samba

-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------

Usability / functionality of Samba in computer networks are:

Linking between Linux machines (UNIX) with Windows machines. As the software is pretty much a function to do the samba software, ranging from bridge file sharing, sharing device, PDC, firewall, DNS, DHCP, FTP, web server, a gateway, mail server, proxy and others. Facilities such as telnet and ssh pengremote also available. One other advantage is the application settings that are no longer based only text, but also graphics are based swat.

Wide Area Network

Computer Network is a system consisting of the computer and its devices that work together to achieve a goal. The purpose of the network is the computer:

Sharing of resources, for example the use of shared CPU, Hard Drive, Memory
Communication, for example Electronic mail, instant messaging, chat
Access to Information, for example Browsing
In order to achieve the same purpose, every piece of computer network request and provide the service (service). The party requesting the service are called clients (client) that provides services and called the waiter (server). This architecture is called client-server systems, and is used in almost all computer network applications.

Types of Computer Networks

1. Local Area Network (LAN)

Commonly abbreviated Local Area Network LAN is a computer network that covers only a small area networks, such as campus computer networks, buildings, offices, in homes, schools or smaller. Currently, most LANs based on the IEEE 802.3 Ethernet technology using a switch, which has a data transfer rate of 10, 100, or 1000 Mbit / s. In addition to Ethernet technology, the current 802.11b technology (or so-called Wi-Fi) is also often used to form a LAN. Places that provide LAN connectivity with Wi-Fi technology called hotspots.

On a LAN, each node or computer has the computing power of its own, different from the concept of a terminal dump. Each computer can access resources on the LAN in accordance with the permissions that have been set. These resources can be either data or a device such as a printer. On a LAN, a user can also communicate with other users using the application.

In contrast to Wide Area Networks or Wide Area Network (WAN), the LAN has the following characteristics:

1. Having rapidly to higher data
2. Covering a narrower geographical area
3. Does not require leased telecommunication lines from telecom operators

Usually one of the computers in the computer network server that will be used to manage all the systems in the network

2. Metropolitant Area Network (MAN)

Metropolitan area network or abbreviated as MAN is a network in a city with high speed data transfer, linking various locations such as campuses, offices, government and so on. MAN network is a combination of multiple LANs. The range of this MAN among 10 to 50 km, MAN is the right network to establish a network between offices in the city between factories / establishments and headquarters are within its range.

3. Wide Area Network

WAN stands for information technology term in English: Wide Area Network is a computer network covering a large area as an example of the computer networks between regions, cities or even countries, or can be defined as well as computer networks require routers and public communications channels.

WANs are used to connect a local network to another local network, so that the user or computer in one location can communicate with users and computers in other locations.

By function: Basically any existing computer network that serves as a client and server. But there is a network that has a dedicated computer as a server and the other as a client. There is also a computer that does not have a specific function as a server only. Because it is based on function then there are two types of computer networks:

a. Client-server

That is a computer network with a dedicated computer as a server. A service / service can be provided by a computer or more. An example is a domain such www.detik.com served by many of the web server computer. Or it could be a lot of service / services provided by a single computer. Examples are jtk.polban.ac.id server which is a computer with a multi service that mail server, web server, file server, database server and others.

b. Peer-to-peer

That is a computer network in which each host can be a server and a client simultaneously. For example, the file sharing between computers on the network Windows Network Neighbourhood there are 5 computers (we named A, B, C, D and E) are granted access to the files they have. At one point A to access the file share of B named data_nilai.xls and also gives access to the file soal_uas.doc C. When accessing a file from B then A serves as a client and as a give file access to C then A is acting as a server. Both functions were performed by the same A network like this so called peer to peer.

Based on the topology of the network: Based on [the network topology], computer networks can be distinguished:

1. Bus topology
2. Star Topology
3. Ring Topology
4. Topology Tree (Hierarchical)
5. Mesh Topology (Random)

Basic Components of Computer Network

To be able to build a network, there are some basic components that must be met, namely:

Physical Component

a. Computer Unit

Provide a minimum of 2 units of computer or multiple computers as needed, These computers later its acting as a server, and there is also a role as a workstation

b. Network Card or LAN Card (Network Interface Card)

In the visible LAN Card can easily be identified from its shape, which generally have port (jack) as terdapt on the phone, but a little bigger. This component is used onboard is already installed on some computers sold in the market today, if not mean you should add a way to plant the slot PCI / ISA section your computer mainboard ..

c. Cable Networks

wires in a network is used as a link. Although there is now a wireless network technologies (LAN) cable but still often used because it is easy to operate. There are several different types of cables are commonly used to build a network, among others:

c.1 Twisted Pair Cables

This cable consists of multiple wires wrapped around each other. The two types of cables that are included in this type of cable is Shielded Twisted Pair (STP) with a layer of aluminum foil and Unshielded Twisted Pair (UTP)

c.2 Coaxial Cable

Physical display cable consists of a copper wire core coated by an insulator and surrounded by the outer konduktur then covered with such materials as PVC outer insulator layer.

c.3 Fiber

Fiber optic cable consists of a glass fiber core and outer layers are wrapped like the cables are generally

d. Connectors

Connectors are used as a means of connecting the cable to plug LAN card that is in your computer CPU. Connector type is adjusted to the type of cable used as rj-45 paired with UTP / STP, BNC / T pairs with coaxial cable while type fiber optic ST connector is used.

e. Tang Kriping

Tang kriping Serves to clamp the cable with connectors already attached so it does not come off easily during installation. Using the pliers is adjusted by jebis cable you will use to build the network.

f. Hub

Hubs are network components that have plugs (ports). Generally hub has a port number ranging from 4, 8, 16, 24 to 32 plus 1 port (uplink) to connect to the server or to another hub. Hubs are used to unify network cables from each workstation, server or other device.

g. Bridge and Switch

Bridge used to connect separate networks and media liaison despite using models or different topologies. So similar to the bridge in our daily lives. While Switch looks like a hub, switch more clever difference being able to analyze the data that is passed to it before sending destination. In addition, he has the speed of data transfer from the server to the workstation or vice versa.

h. Router

Routers have the ability to filter or filter data passing across the network based on specific rules or protocol. Such as bridges, routers can also be used to connect multiple LAN and even WAN network model.

Non-Physical Component

In addition to the physical components that have been described previously, there are also non-physical component if we are going to learn to build a network, such as:

a. Operating Systems for Computers

There are many operating systems that you can use to build a computer network. For computer servers usually Microsoft Windows NT 4 Server, Microsoft Windows 2000 Server, Microsoft Windows 2003 Server, Novell Netware and Linux. As for the client / workstation you can use the Microsoft Windows 98, ME, 2000 Professional, XP and linux distro.

b. Network Protocols

Network protocols are the rules that are used in the network so that the computer-member computers and computer networks of different platforms can communicate with each other. TCP / IP (tranmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol) is a protocol.

Wiring Techniques

As described in the previous chapter 3.3, there are several types of cables that can be used to build a computer network or in this case the LAN. But according to the authors by reason relatife easier procurement of cables, cheap and simple in the installation process as well as general use at this time, the choice fell on the type of cable types Unshielded Twisted Pair Twisted Pair (UTP).

UTP cable consists of 8 pieces of fine wires wrapped around each other into 4 pairs. The four pairs of cables are:

* Couples green cable with White Green lease
* Couple wiring color Orange with White lease Orange
* Blue color cable Couple lease with White Blue
* Cable Couple lease brown color with White Chocolate

Category UTP Cable

Cat 1: Used for communication devices, such as cable telephon.

Cat 2: Data transfer speeds up to 4 Megabits per second.

Cat 3: Usually used for token ring topology with data transfer speeds up to 10 Mbps.

Cat 4: Data transfer speeds reaching 16 Mbps

Cat 5: Data transfer speeds up to 100 Mbps

Cat 5e: Data transfer speeds up to 100 Mbps - 1 Gigabits.

Cat 6: The data transfer rate of up to 2.5 Gigabit Ethernet within 100 meters or 10 Gigabits within 25 Meters.

Standardization of UTP Cable

UTP Cabling Installation sequence generally follows the rules of the international standard EIA / TIA 568A and EIA / TIA 568B. To order EIA / TIA 568A wiring sequence is as follows:

Sequence to 1: White Green

Sequence 2: Green

Sequence 3: White Orange

Sequence 4: Blue

Sequence to 5: White Blue

Sequence 6: Orange

Rank 7: White Chocolate

Sequence to 8: Brown

While the order of EIA / TIA 568B cord sequence is as follows:

Sequence to 1: White Orange

Sequence 2: Orange

Sequence 3: White Green

Sequence 4: Blue

Sequence to 5: White Blue

Sequence 6: Green

Rank 7: White Chocolate

Sequence to 8: Brown

Cabling Type UTP

There are 2 types of UTP cabling connectors are RJ-45 type straight and cross type.

a. Type Straight

Straight type means that one end of the cable to the other end of the cable has the same wiring order in accordance with the standard EIA / TIA 568B. This type is used to connect the PC to the Switch, the Switch Router, Router to a PC to Hub and Hub.

b. Type of Cross

In this type of end of the cable using a standard sequence of EIA / TIA 568A and the other end of the cable it again using a sequence of TIS / EIA 568B and use to connect the PC to PC, Switch / Hub to Switch / Hub, and the PC to the router.

Jumat, 12 Oktober 2012

Server DNS

In Windows 2003, tools and components for implementing the network infrastructure in the Windows 2003-2 can enter the following items:

TCP / IP and IPv4 or IPv6
Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP)
Domain Name System (DNS)
Active Directory (AD)
Routing and Remote Access
web Services
A DNS server is a computer that is running the DNS server program, such as the DNS server services or the Berkeley Internet Name Domain (BIND). DNS servers DNS database contains information about the parts of the tree structure of the domain DNS and name resolution requests are requested by the client DNS.

Server DNS was originally designed to locate hosts on the ARPANET and the Stanford Research Institute (SRI) maintains HOSTS.TXT file. if a computer is added to the network, the information from the computer is sent via email to the SRI.

Namespace hierarchy

Naming system which is based on her DNS server is a logical tree structure and hierarchy called the DNS namespace. At the root top-level domain in the central manage, while the second-level domains and the levels below it in managing the ownernya. DNS root servers to maintain data entry only top-level domain as a referral.

Domain in DNS server is part of the namespace that refers to all resources in an environment. While Zone in the DNS server can be explained as follows:

The portion in the namespace that contains the domain
One portion adjacent to the namespace in which the server is authoritative. DNS server can be authoritative for one or more zones, and a zone can consist of one or more adjacent domains.
Represented by a file stored on a DNS server. Zone files contain resource records for the zone in which the server is authoritative. In many implementations of DNS servers, the data is stored in a text file Zone: but; DNS server in the domain controller running Windows 2000 or Windows 2003 can also store files in the active directory information Zone.
Initially stores all information about a domain.
DNS resolver

A DNS resolver is a service that uses the DNS protocol to seek information from the DNS server. DNS resolver to communicate well with the DNS server or a remote control program that is on the local server computer. In Windows 2003, the functions of the DNS resolver DNS service performed by the client. Besides acting as the DNS resolver, the DNS Client service provides the additional functionality of the DNS cache mapping.

Resource record

Resource records are DNS database entries used to answer client questions. Server DNS contains resource records needed to answer questions about the portion of the DNS namespace.

Host address (A), which is the largest field of the resource record in a zone of the DNS server database that connects the computers (hosts) to their IP addresses.
Alias ​​(CNAME) or also called canonical name, you can use it for more than one name to a single host.
Mail exchanger (MX) in a DNS server, use the email application to locate the e-mail server in a zone.
Pointer (PTR) in DNS server, use the reverse lookup zone which is the host name lookup based on IP address or FQDN (fully qualified domain name).
Service location (SRV) is used to specify the location of specific services within a domain.

It was not possible to manage such large-scale namespace without a delegated administration Internet domain-2. Through a process of delegation, a new zone is formed when the responsibility of a sub-domain in the DNS namespace submitted to a separate entity. Separate entity can be autonomous organization or a branch of your business.

Delegates a sub-domain in a DNS server into a DNS record physic separating separate files.

When delegating Zone?

You should consider delegating a zone within your network when one or more of the following conditions appear:

You need a domain DNS delegation of management to a branch or department within your business organization.
You need to distribute the load of a DNS database maintenance immense into multiple name servers to improve the performance of a name resolution as well as fault tolerance.
And require structuring hosted by the branch naming your business or affiliate departments within your organization.
Type the DNS server

DNS server type refers to the type of zone in which the server hosting - or, in the case of Cache-only server (DNS sever that only serves as a cache) is not hosting him at all.

Primary name server
Save a copy of the zone file for the zone, the center of the zone update.
Changes or updates made to a zone created on the primary server.
With Windows 2003, you can deploy a standard primary zone as a primary zone or the primary zone is integrated with Active Directory.
Secondary name servers - a recommendation in the design specifications, to provide offload DNS query traffic in an area that has a load demand and use are very large.
As a backup copy of the zone file if the primary server is down
Kept separate in physics
Make Pointer to the primary name server and periodically perform zone transfers.
Caching name-server
Not hosting any zone
Not authoritative for a zone anywhere
As a cache lookup only, limited to what he cache when he resolves the request of clients.
DNS requests and stores the result
In an environment Berkeley Internet Name Domain (BIND), primary name server is often referred to as a master name server as secondary server in refernsi nae as a slave name server in an enterprise computer network.


Ethernet became LAN standard was very popular at the moment. Compared with its competitors in the past 20 years the network Token Ring, Ethernet has won this fight due to the nature / karakteristic superiors; ease and low cost but reliable. So the Ethernet network is more widely used on the local LAN network or networks connected to the LAN and WAN network form. From the original commercial specifications with the ability to transfer data only up to 10 Mbps, with the ability to network Ethernet 10 Gigabit-per-second today, Ethernet networks have evolved and become the most popular Ethernet protocol so far.

Ethernet defines both Layer 1 (Physical Layer) and layer2 (Data Link Layer) of the OSI reference model. Phyisical layer and data link layer works together to provide the function of sending data through various types of physical networks. Some details of the physical function must be met before any communication takes place, such as cable networks, type-2 connectors are used at the ends of two wires, and so is the level of voltage and current used to encode binary 0 and 1.

Data Link layer protocols define or rule-2-2 to determine when a computer may use the physical network when the computer is not supposed to use the network, and how to find the errors that occur during transmission of data.

The term Ethernet refers to the family of protocols and standards that together-2 defines physical layer and data link from the most popular type of LAN. There are many variants of Ethernet include:

1. 10 Base-T

2. Fast Ethernet

3. Gigabit Ethernet

10Base-T Ethernet network

10-BaseT Ethernet network allows us to use existing telephone wiring, or a cheaper cable if needed a new cable. 10-BaseT Ethernet network using what is called a HUB devices. Physical network using Ethernet 10-BaseT Ethernet Card or NIC (Network Interface Card) on the computer, cabling and a hub (which is one of the most ancient network devices).

HUB used in 10-BaseT Ethernet network is basically a multiport repeater. This means that the HUB is only 2 devices amplifier electrical signal that goes to one of the ports and distributed to all ports of the HUB, so crash (collision) is very possible.

Network cabling Ethernet 10Base-T

10-BaseT Ethernet network using Category 5 UTP cable with RJ-45 connectors.

The cable used to connect computers to the HUB using Straight-through cables
The cable connects between the HUB using a cross cable.

In some kind of hub or switch now been using autosensing - which identify the type of cable you are, so do not have to use a cable cross - just use a straight through cable for all connections.

Collision be a performance problem HUB

Network Ethernet 10-Base2; 10Base5, and 10BaseT not be able to walk without the CSMA / CD. However, the algorithm CSMA / CD, Ethernet becomes less efficient at higher loads, Ethernet will be a slow start when network load exceeds 30% usage.

How CSMA / CD logic helps keep the collision (collision) as well as how he reacts when a collision occurs. Like the highway in both directions, as well as what happens on the network vulnerable HUB collision. The algorithm CSMA / CD can be explained as follows:

1. A network device with a frame of data to be sent, first to listen to the network whether it is quiet or not.

2. If the Ethernet network is no longer busy, the sender begins sending data frames to the network.

3. The sender look to determine whether a collision or not.

4. As soon as the sender knows the event of a collision, they each send a signal jamming-2 (signal path congestion) to ensure that all stations know that a collision has occurred.

5. As soon as the jamming signal is sent, the sender calculates every (timer) randomly and wait for it anyway before they start sending the frame to the network.

6. If the timer is up, then the process starts again from the beginning steppertama, and so on up to successfully send a data frame to the fixed address.

LAN Swith - reducing collisions

Collision term defines a set of device domains within a boundary that allows a data frame collisions occur. All devices on a network 10Base2, 10Base5, and 10Base-T HUB menggunkaan risk collisions between frames that they send, so all devices that exist on any type of Ethernet networks are in one collision domain.

For that emerged LAN Switch that can overcome this problem domain collisions and also problems algorithm CSMA / CD to relieve the possibility of collision. Unlike HUB, Switch does not create a shared bus, Switch treats each port as a separate bus. Switches use a memory buffer to hold data frames are coming, so if there are two devices on Switch tergubung simultaneously transmit data, the switch sends the frame and holds the second frame into a memory buffer, then wait to send the second frame to the first frame was finished being sent so it will never happen collisions.

Full-Duplex - eliminating collisions

Original specification of Ethernet is using a shared bus, while at the same time there is only one frame that could be sent or lajim called Half-Duplex. LAN switches with only one device connected to each port on the switch allows operation Full-Duplex. Full-duplex means that an Ethernet card can send and receive frames simultaneously.

Conclusion Ethernet Network

Protocol-2 physical layer defines how to transmit data across the physical medium. Protocol-2 data link layer is useful to make the physical network by defining how and when the physical network is used. Defining an Ethernet network layer of the OSI model serves first for Ethernet networks, including cabling, connectors, voltage level, and the cable distance limits, as well as many important functions of Layer 2 of the OSI model.

Protocol TCP IP

In this network "wired" LAN, TCP IP protocol is a protocol that is widely used on the network it PC to PC, small-scale local networks at home, at the office, network scale medium to large scale redundance in a complex network in a corporate. In the configuration settings every Windows computer that you will connect to the network, you always relate to this IP TCP protocol.

Protocol TCP IP is the protocol that is most widely used on computer networks in the world, its popularity is reasonable with the fact that:

Scalability and routable
Open standards - not a patent
Standard is mature and stable
Almost all reset yan underway involving technology that uses TCP IP protocol
Is a protocol suite used on the Internet
When you as a network administrator decides to use the TCP protocol in the IP network infrastructure planning, you are able to realize the work behind the lawyer's aplikasian TCP IP protocol. You must configure all devices to be incorporated in the future. Such as providing a unique IP address for each network device and all other parameters. Of course, using technology that is already available, such as providing automatic IP already available that will ease the burden of administrators. With the use of the IP protocol is TCP, you must already include the planning agenda IP address on your corporate network given that the IP address is vital.

Each physical network segment requires a unique network address in a network system
Each host on the network requires a unique IP address on the network segment
IP addresses are made by the network ID and host ID address
Class Address and the subnet mask determine how many hosts can be contained within a single network segment
Protocol TCP IP uses IP addresses to identify computers on the network. Each packet is transmitted to the computer IP TCP protocol provides the IP address of the computer that will receive the package, while also using the IP address of the router to forward packets to the appropriate destination (see also the article on Ethernet networks).

Networking with TCP IP protocol has two basic elements as follows:

TCP IP Infrastructure
Infrastructure network core
Internet Connectivity
DHCP Services for rental service IP address on the network
Services DNS server
WINS Server Service
TCP IP protocol suite

TCP IP protocol services, if in reference to the layer of the OSI model is on the Internet and Transport layers that make up the TCP IP protocol suite. TCP IP Protocol is a set of protocols established TCP IP protocol suite.

Two different protocols that run together using the same infrastructure
IP, Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP), Address resolution protocol (ARP)
TCP, User Datagram Protocol (UDP)
Protocol-2 applications such as:
Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP), Post Office Protocol 3 (POP3), Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP)
Telnet, Secure Shell (SSH)
Server Message Block (SMB)
In conjunction with the OSI reference model, TCP IP protocol suite can be illustrated in the following diagram:

Communication protocol TCP IP

When information is passed down the stack-2 TCP IP, each layer adds information to the data packet.

o Data-2 application package contains the actual data to be sent there at the Application layer

o Passing layer Host-to-Host (or transport layer) were tagged with the PORT packet sending and receiving computers, whether it is eg PORT 25, which is an application SMTP (email), HTTP PORT 80 for application (internet) or more.

o The packet is dropped to the IP layer (or the network layer) to be tagging routable address or network address to the computer sender and receiver.

o The packet is dropped into the Network Access layer, down to the network driver layer itself where the physical device address (MAC address) is in tagging the packets for the sending and receiving computers.

And then here decided where data packet is transmitted, how to send and where his goals. Pack it miss from end to end, it could be a physical NIC package from your computer to the default gateway, and from there the package sent to the next hop, the next hop and continue from hop to hop and hop on to any particular location, the decision needs to be made where the package will be delivered and at the end of the end point:

o Package towards TCP IP stack up stack after stack

o Information peeled every layer stack is treated just like a stack stack beside the sender's just not here yet released taggingnya ditagging, peeled, or stripped down core taken alone (java: dijokok ontonge tok ... hehe ...)

This is the foundation that must be understood in the TCP IP protocol as the process is valid from PC to PC from the network until the network is very complex in a global corporate network across WAN links through either through a frame relay network, or over the network or via the ISDN point-to-point.

OSI Model

OSI Model - Send messages from one network to another is a very complex process. A little story of the formation of the OSI, in 1977 a subcommittee of the International Organization for Standarddization (ISO) began work to create multiple sets of standards to facilitate network communication. The work was completed in 1984 and known as the OSI reference model - Open Systems Interconnection. The OSI model is the method most widely used to describe the communication network. The following sections cover topics:

The OSI model divides the tasks into 7 layer network.

1. Layer 7: Application Layer

2. Layer 6: Presentation Layer

3. Layer 5: Session Layer

4. Layer 4: Transport Layer

5. Layer 3: Network layer

6. Layer 2: Data link layer

7. Layer 1: Physical Layer

Physical layer is the first layer, but common in the list at the bottom of the last order to emphasize how a message is sent over the network. Here's a brief description of each OSI layer-2 and I try a simple analogy to the concept of our lives.

Layer 7: Application Layer

Layer 7 is the Application layer defines the interface between two software applications that communicate mmerlukan to communicate out of the computer where the application is located. Application Layer-2 explains the rules for the following:

Provision of network services
Quote - advertising network services
Accessing network services
The following example is a protocol that implements the rule-2 Application layer.

Netware's services advertising protocol (SAP)
TCP / IP Network File System (NFS)
TCP / IP Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP), Telnet; HTTP; FTP; WWW browser
Included in this example is the file; prints; application database; message.
Layer 6: Presentation Layer

Layer 6 is a presentation layer where the main objective is to define data formats such as ASCII text, EBCDIC text, binary, BCD and jpeg. Encryption also is defined in layer 6. Presentation Layer-2 specifies the rules for the following:

Translating Data
Encryption and compression of data
Protocol-2 The following are examples of Presentation layer that implements rules

NetWare Core Protocol (NCP)
AppleTalk Filing Protocol (AFP)
Eg mainframe EBCDIC format has, while WIndows have ASCII data format. Task Presentation layer is to translate the different formats it so that it can connect with each other.

Layer 5: Session Layer

Session layer defines how to start, control, and end a conversation (called a session). It is included in the control and management of a variety of bidirectional messages so that the application can be notified when some message is complete. Fifth Session Layer-2 specifies the following rules:

Control of the communication session between the two devices
Making; manage, and remove connections
The following is a protocol implementing the session layer of the OSI model:

Netware's Servise Advertising Protocol (SAP)
TCP / IP remote procedure call (RPC)
SQL; NFS; NetBIOS names; AppleTalk ASP; DECnet SCP
A simple example is the operator telephone analogy. If you want to call a number while you do not know the number, then you can nanya to the operator. This session layer analogy yach kayak Getu telephone operator.

Layer 4: Transport Layer

Layer 4 (Transport Layer) focus on issues related to computer data transmission such as error recovery, segmentation of the block of data from the application into small pieces-2 to be sent, and on the recipient's computer-2 pieces are rearranged.

Layer OSI to this 4-2 specifies the rules for the following:

Hiding the network structure of the layer above it
Notice that the data message has been received
Ensuring reliability, error-free message delivery
The following example is a protocol-2-2 transport layer that implements rules

Netware's Sequence Packet Exchange (SPX) protocol
TCP / IP 's Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)
TCP / IP 's Domain Name System (DNS)
Analogy of the transport layer is like a parcel delivery service providers, eg, Tiki or Fedex. Tiki or Fedex are solely responsible for the arrival of packets to the destination address and the packet in one piece without any defect. As well as ISP, if we type WWW.dotkom.com then the ISP will translate into a destination address.

Layer 3: Network Layer

Network layer of the OSI model defines the packet delivery end-to-end. To complete this work, the network layer defines logical address so that each end point can be identified. This layer also defines how routing works and how routes can be studied so that all packets sent.

Network Layer-2 specifies the rules for the following:

Routing data between many networks
Frakmentasi and reconstruct the data
Identification of a network cable segment
Protocol-2 following rules apply network layer

's Netware Internetwork Packet Exchange (IPX) Protocol
TCP / IP 's Internet Protocol (IP), AppleTalk DDP
The analogy of this layer duty to send a letter or package to a specific city or zip code, not directly sent to the destination address. This layer is very important in complex networks, where the network layer to send data packets to a logical network. The router function at this layer.

Layer 2: Data link layer

The data link layer specifies the following rules:

Coordination bits into two logical groups of an information
Sometimes error detection and correction
Controlling the flow of data
Identification of network devices
Protocol-2 data link layer implements the following:

Ntware's Link Support Layer (LSL)
Asynchronouse Transfer Mode (ATM)
IEEE 802.3/802.2, HDLC, Frame Relay, PPP, FDDI, IEEE 802.5/802.2
The analogy is like a data link sent you a registered letter to the address of the house and is guaranteed up to the receipt signed by the recipient. This layer identifies the real address of a device.

Layer 1: Physical Layer

Physical Layer of the OSI model is related to the characteristics of the transmission media. Example-2 specification of connectors, pins, use of pins, electrical currents, encoding, and light modulation. Usually in completing all the details from the Physical layer involves many specifications. This layer-2 specifies the following rules:

The physical structure of a network eg forms and rules pin connector on the RJ-45 connector. 802.3 Ethernet standard defines the use of the cable to pin 1,2,3 and 6 are used in Cat 5 cable with RJ-45 connector for Ethernet connection.
Rules in the use of mechanical and electrical transmission medium
Ethernet protocols such as IBM Token Ring; AppleTalk
Fiber Distributed Data Interface (FDDI) EIA / TIA-232; V.35, EIA/TIA-449, RJ-45, Ethernet, 802.3, 802.5, B8ZS
 Synchronization signals electrically-2 over a network
 Encoding data in electronic
To enable you to remember the OSI model is to use the following sentence:

I (Application)

Got (Presentation)

Milk (Session)

Eggs (Transport)

Drinking (Network)

In (Data)

Plastics (Physical)

Weleh why even dech not connect ... dah pake aja boso kromo ngingetnye let's easy:

All People Seems To Need Data Processing, which mappingnya like this:

All (Application)

People (Presentation)

Seems (Session)

To (Transport)

Need (Network)

Data (Data link)

Processing (Physical)

Protocol Implementation

Keep in mind that the OSI model is a theory about how to view the communication in the network. Each layer specifies the standards to be followed when mengimplementsikan a network. However, keep in mind that the OSI layers tuhas not do real tasks, OSI is the model. The following discussion summarizes the advantages and disadvantages of the use of the OSI model to describe the communication network.

Advantages and disadvantages of the OSI model

You must fully understand the OSI model because it is so widely used when talking about communication. However, keep in mind that this is just a theoretical model that defines the standards for programmers and system administrators network, so it is not the actual physical layer models.

Using the OSI model konseps discussion networks have several advantages:

Provide the same language and references between fellow professionals network
Divide tasks into network-2-2 logical layer for ease of understanding
Provides flexibility-2 special features level-2 different
Ease of troubleshooting
Encouraging interoperability standards between networks and devices
Provide modularity in the feature-2 network (developers can change the feature-2 without changing the overall approach), so you can play dirty between modules Getu lho
However, you need to know a few limitations:

OSI Layer-2 is theoretical and does not perform the actual function-2
In the implementation of industry rarely have a relationship layer-to-layer
2 different protocols in the stack perform two different functions that help receive and send data messages overall
The implementation of a specific protocol can not represent every layer OSI (or can be spread across multiple layers)
In practice, the task-2 computer network communication protocol implemented by way of implementation. No matter what protocol it's ... it's like a standard protocol nich imdustri vendor-specific software tools used in the process of communication in its duty-2 network communication. The following describes some of the concepts are important to know about the real-2 protocol.

Most vendors and industry standard implementations using a layer-2 approach. A set of standard-2 is meant to be used simultaneously is called a protocol suite or protocol stack.

Protocol-2 in a suite-2 has the following traits:

Each protocol implementing one or more network communication tasks
Protocol-2-2 can carry out tasks in several different OSI layers
Some of the protocol in a similar suite can perform the same task
Some protocol suite allows a choice of special protocol suite to perform a specific task or to enable certain features.
Protocol-2 should work together, send and receive-2 protocol data to others.
Protocol-2 can also be divided into one of three categories according to the functions they do-2. The division between protocol often fall in three different divisions.

Transportation Data
Physical connection

Protocol-2 at the level of transport (ie transport and network layer) to establish communication sessions between computers; ensure that the data is transmitted reliably, and deliver inter-network routing.

Protocol-2 at the level of physical form relationships with the bottom layer of the OSI model (Data link and Physical layer). Protocol-2 is handling information; perform error-checking, and send resend requests - (retransmit request).


Some protocols are on more than one level protocol, so the protocol-2 may not fit exactly with the model-2 network. This is because the protocol is intended to fulfill a specific task in communication, which is not always associated with some form of model.

Communication between network devices

-2 network devices can communicate between each other because of that-2 devices are running the same protocol stack, even if they use different operating systems. Data is sent from one device to walk down to the underlying protocol stack through a transmission medium, and then up to the protocol stack on the opposite side of the communication device.

Both devices communicate with each other must use the same protocol stack. A data message sent from one device to another device goes through the following process:

Message data is broken into packets-2
Each protocol in the stack adds control information into packets, re-enable features such as encryption and the second error check. Each package usually has the following components: Header, Data and Trailer.
At the physical layer, the packets are converted into electrical proper format for transmission.
Protocol at each layer-2 device related to the opponent (on the receiver) will remove the header and trailer are added when shipping. Package-2 are then reassembled as the original data.

Header and trailer information is added at each OSI layer-2 is intended to be read by the recipient's computer. Missal, the information is added to the transport layer on the sending computer will be interpreted by the transport layer is also on the recipient's computer. Hence OSI layer communication interaction is often described as the communication between peer layers.

Header - Header package contains the following information:

Home address of the computer sending
Destination address of the message sent
Information to synchronize the clock
Data - Each packet contains data that is:

Real data of the application, as part of the file sent
Size of 48 bytes of data can be nearby for up to 4 kilobytes
Trailer - Trailer package may include:

Error-checking information
Other information that helps control the data transmission
Encapsulation Process

Process is split into packets of a message-2, additional controls and other information, and then transmits the message through the medium of transmission. You have to understand fully the process of sending this message.

There are 5 different steps in the process of data encapsulation:

Layer the top of the set of data to be sent over the network
Transport layer breaks the data into pieces called segments-2, adding sequence information and control information.
Convert the segment into the network layer-2 packet, adding logical network and adding devices address.
Data link layer converts packets into frame-2-2, adding a physical address information of the device.
Convert physical layer-2 frame into bit-2 to be transmitted through the transmission medium.

Use the following summary:

Upper layer - Data
Transport Layer - Segment
Network Layer - a package that contains the logical address
Data link layer - frame containing the physical address
Physical Layer - bits

Minggu, 23 September 2012

L3 interfaces in each VRF

VRF-lite is a feature that allows a network device to be able to support two or more VPNs, where the VPN-IP VPN uses overlapping. VRF-lite uses interfaces to distinguish routes / routing on a different VPN forwarding and create virtual tables by associating one or more L3 interfaces in each VRF. In addition to using the interface / physical port (eg Ethernet), VRF interface can also be associated with a virtual / logical, such as loopback. But keep in mind that one interface can only be associated with one VRF, although one VRF can be associated with multiple interfaces. Using VRF-lite, multiple network-in this case-to share VPN using only one CE, and only needed one physical line to connect to the PE. CE is used to run many separate VRF tables for each VPN and send packets to each VPN based routing table respectively. Thus, VRF-lite can be used as an extension of the PE to reach beneath the VPN network further. As an open standard, VRF-Lite basically can be applied on all devices that support. However, this time the author will only discuss the configuration in Cisco networking devices, by using more or less similar to other branded devices. As the material is used in the form of network devices L3 Switch Cisco ME-3400 with IOS ME340x-METROIPACCESSK9-M 12.2 (58). Configuration can be done either via the console or remotely via telnet or SSH. For remote configuration, just make sure to keep it running during the connection process. The first step, turn on IP Routing feature. By default, L3 routing features in Cisco switches are not active and should be activated manually Switch (config) # ip routing Second, please make the necessary VRF, complete with a RD (route distinguisher) Switch (config) # ip VRF anu Switch (config-VRF) # rd 65000:10 Third, the VRF associated with the interface that leads to the corresponding VPN Switch (config) # interface vlan 330 Switch (config-if) # description VPN Gateway ANU Switch (config-if) # ip forward VRF Switch (config-if) # ip VRF forwarding anu Switch (config-if) # ip address Switch (config-if) # no shutdown END ..!! To verify, use the command show ip ping VRF and VRF. Switch # sh ip VRF Name Default RD Interfaces anu 65000:10 Vl330 Switch # ping VRF anu Type escape sequence to abort. Sending 5, 100-byte ICMP Echos to, timeout is 2 seconds: !!!!! Success rate is 100 percent (5/5), round-trip min / avg / max = 1/2/9 ms Now, the next-hop gateway or IP for the customer (VPN) is no longer IP PE, but just IP CE.

Network problems

Network problems can cause interference with and disruption of network applications in business continuity. The scale of this disorder can vary depending on the noise source and the effect on your network infrastructure. Network problems can cause downtime (behold what language nich ...?) And downtime this may vary depending on how well you plan contingensi planning. Good management system on your network documentation can help you minimize downtime and facilitate you in troubleshooting network problems. There are many types of network problems that can cause interference on a computer, local network outages, through interference with the global network of business connections in your corporate. Network problems due to the failure of a network cable This one is a common network problems that we have encountered due to rupture the network cable that can affect the performance of a computer in the network because your patch cable rupture due bitten by rats; networking issues that affect a building block as loss of cable between the switch (uplink cable), or even impact on most of the computers in your lan network for backbone cable failure. Network problems that impact on a computer just may not be a big deal except that the computer or the director general of you. But the network problems that impact on your lan network as a whole or even global impact in corporate flying businesses you can make you out in a cold sweat profusely. In this system a large-scale network infrastructure, system redundancy must be applied. So if there is a failure in a network path will not lead to a network failure in a long time. In a multi-switch networks are complex then Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) must be enabled and in tuning manually. STP is a service that allows a network switch and bridge-2-2 LAN you are connected to one another by redundant with a mechanism that can prevent bridging loops. Bridging the data packets it loop circling the Kismet network address until exhaustion and finally Koid. Bridging loops can cause network traffic jam or the so-called broadcast storm. Network problems due to the failure of network devices The scale of disruption caused by the failure of network devices can also vary, from just a computer because of the failure of NIC - lan card, some computers because of the failure of a switch, or even a large scale because of the failure of the switch that connects central network server. For failure lan card in one computer can be replaced with your spare network card. And what if a network failure that caused damage to the switch? Design your redundancy on the network will be very helpful in saving your network failures. The need for load balancing and redundancy should be reviewed for any need based use of link redundancy; tool router; switch and a multi-homed host is critical. The purpose of the system redundancy is intended to ensure the availability of services where there is no single point of failure-prone. Let us look at the picture above of system redundancy. Redundancy switches, if a problem occurs due to the failure on the switch A, switch B can still serve to supply the link to the server as well as to the two distribution switches and a link to the WAN. This type of problem is not the network will affect the system server down. Router redundancy will make the backup WAN link when there is a problem with one router. For example one of the router that connects your frame relay network to the other, then there is still only one backup link router. Redundancy link - will backup link if there is a network problem with the breaking of the link to the server or to the switch. We can apply this redundancy system on the model of the previous scenario linking the two offices Mining and HR to draw two Cat5e UTP cables underground as link redundancy. Make sure that both the cable redundancy is not connected to the same switch, because if there is a failure of the switch it will be useless too. For internet link redundancy, actually many routers on the market with two or more WAN port so it does not need two routers. Routers are typically small to medium office where two WAN ports can failover - failback. So if the primary link fail, it will failover to the backup link. Or it could be the second link is load balancing, call FVS336G Dual Wan Gigabit SSL VPN Firewall. Network problems due to system failure Although the system failure was not a result of the failure of the network infrastructure, your users will still call you with questions like: "hello Agus ... no matter what network? I can not access my email ... or I can not access internet ... or even a question from a radio operator "Agus hello ... I really can not access the folder chairman yach ... why?" System failure may be due to a problem with the DHCP server so that the clients do not receive an IP address. Or it could be because there is a problem with your system Directory Services so that clients can not logon to jaringan.Atau could be due to a problem with the register the name on your DNS system. Network problems due to viral explosion This species is also a network problem and not because of the failure of the physical network infrastructure, but the system will be overwhelmed with traffic network from the effects of a virus attack systems and servers to infect all the computers in your network. The performance of your network system will be extremely slow even arguably collapsed. What can you do with this virus attack is to implement best practice security policy, you should be immune defense system once. All sorts of network problems, you as a network and systems administrator should be able to resolve the problem. No matter whether the problem is a failure of your network device, or your computer system problems; intruders who attack systems or your system infrastructure. A good redundancy network design and good management system is a must in a broad range of network scale and complex.

Selasa, 28 Agustus 2012


Surely you've heard commercials like this "network course that makes your old Pentium PC Pentium 4 would be equivalent to" definitely a lot to think "how come" and must be wondering how to get well, and you definitely want to find out. ads like this very much at all nampang in newspapers or magazines advertised information technology by the NFE as a course in the capital. Such advertisements are true so long Pentium Pentium 4 is a network with a server and use the emulator program that has been well-known today, such as Citrix Metaframe XP or Windows Terminal Service belongs windows 2000/2003 server.

1. PC Cloning Is it?
PC is a technology Terminal Service on local computer networks that use the cable as a Local Area Network (LAN) and wireless networks such as Wide Area Network (WAN). Cloning System has the ability to empower a computer type as fast as the latest computer used as server software or facilities only with Terminal Services in Windows NT 4.0 or Windows 2000 Server. And of course the software that will be discussed this time is "WINCONNECT"
The way it works is a kind of software will make the process of cloning the configuration server (CPU and RAM) and then make it easy to virtually all computer (workstation) connected to the server.

2. Benefits of PC Cloning
Efficient, because you only need one unit of high-speed computers to be used as Sender While PC Client can use the computer as long as the old 486 or Pentium PC.
Efficiency, Installation of all applications is only done at the server. Computer Client only need a system with a hardware device with lower specs.
Even the client computer can work without a hard disk, just the disk (of course with the modification).

3. To Whom PC Cloning?

This system can be used by all people who have more than one computer unit such as:
Government offices and private
Educational institutions such as schools. college or institute courses.
Non-governmental organizations (NGOs).

4. Hardware Required

4.1. Computer Server

Computer servers will be the center of the network becomes the source for Cloning process. Computer Server only one unit with sufficient capacity so that it can serve all clients on the network.

In order subsystem performance Cloning maximum run, note Computer Server hardware configuration as follows:
CPUs based on Pentium III / IV
Memory at least 256 MB (bigger)
Minimum hard drive, 4.3 GB
Floppy Disk Drive (FDD)
CD Rom Drive
Sound Card
Ethernet Card (LAN Card) 10 or 10/100 Mbps
Keyboard & Mouse
VGA SVGA Monitor
Modem (if needed for internet connection)

4.2. Client Computer

Client computer is a computer which is used as a workstation, the numbers are adjusted to the needs. There is no limit to the number of clients, but if there are more than ten computers, you should increase the ability of server resources, especially memory.

Client computer specs are as follows:
CPU-based 286, 386, 486 or higher
At least 2 MB of memory or higher
8 MB if using Windows 95 (CPU 486)
16 MB if using Windows 98 (CPU Pentium 100)
± 100 MB hard drive for system DOS / Windows 98
VGA card at least 256 Colour (16 bit recommended above)
Floppy Disk (FDD) 1.44 MB
Sound Card
Ethernet Card (LAN Card) 10 or 10/100 Mbps or Wired LAN
Monitor VGA / SVGA

4.3. Local Area Network (LAN)

To connect all the computers to be used in the system needed equipment Cloning LAN (Local Area Network), which consists of Ethernet HUB, LAN Card. UTP Cables and Connectors RMS.

5. PC Cloning Software Winconnect

Terminal Service facility located on a Windows NT 4.0 Terminal Edition (TSE) and Windows 2000 Server Family (Windows 2000 Server, Windows 2000 Advanced Server and Windows 2000 Datacenter Server). But is not installed by default unless you add the facility at the time of installation or via the Windows Component in Control Panel.

But we are talking about today is the Terminal Services of the software WINCONNECT. Winconnect (Download at www.thinsoftinc.com) is a terminal emulator software that is used to enable the Linux Base Windows terminal or base station (Win95/98, Win XP, Win 2000, etc) to be connected to a terminal emulator (WinXP, Windows Server) through a Remote Display Protocol (RDP) or Remote Desktop Web Connection.

Why it was done because in order to save resources and dollars of course. By simply utilizing the Windows server so that users can capitalize on all the resources in real time owned windows server, the operating system such as Linux or Windows OS platform variety and even PDAs. To be able to make a Pentium 486 or personal digital assistant (PDA) can be used (Local Area Network) Via LAN or Internet. Etc. This is so the user / client just as the input-output Keyboard and Mouse which all the process is done on the server.

A high speed internet broadband connection such as DSL or ADSL or ISN which was in your office can be used for your work to your home by relying on low-speed internet access such as dial-up. So you work at home but as if you were in your office, not just in your home in warnetpun you can do with only using Internet Explorer (Note: by IP Forwarding rent first or Public IP, will be discussed next time) to utilize all resource kompurter your office. Asik is not ....?


For now discussed using a LAN network connection. And the principle is the same when applied to systems other connections.

1. Ethernet HUB or Concentrator

HUB is a device that has a lot of holes (Port), which will connect all the computers. One port will connect to the HUB Computer Server. While other ports are used to connect the Client Computer or Workstation that already have a LAN Card to form a network.

Ports available to 8, 16, 24 or more according to your needs. For speed, you can use the HUB 10 or 10/100. We recommend using 10/100 as it can be used for a maximum speed network 10/100.

2. Ethernet Card

Ethernet card or LAN card is often referred to as NIC (Network Interface Card) form of electronic boards installed in each computer to be connected to the network, you used to use a type of LAN Card ISA or PCI with a speed of 10 or 10/100 Mbps. Surely must be tailored to the type of Ethernet HUB will be used.

3. LAN UTP Cable

There are several types of cables for the network, but for the more easily you can use the cable type of UTP (Unshelded Twisted Pair), since in addition to its ability not too expensive, too unreliable.

4. UTP connectors (Jack RJ-45)

UTP cable is required to connect the RJ-45 jack or something that looks similar to a phone jack cable cord yet more holes. Connectors installed at both ends of the cable with special equipment Tang UTP. But if you can not install it, you can ask at the time of purchase as well as installation of UTP cable.

Winconnect is very similar to the Citrix Metaframe client that allows the ability to be the same as the server capacity, but the advantages of this program compared to the Citrix Metaframe XP is able to run on Windows XP Home or Professional version as the server, which if Citrix can only run on Windows 2000 server installation was that for the first time is quite complicated especially if you are also able to activate the headache that accompanied system of licenses for each client / user (is not this a waste of our country in an era of continuous slumped).

With this program you installed fairly easily once. So the ability of a PC running Windows XP or Win Server will be run on Windows 95/98, Win Me, Win2000 and Win XP and even Linux Mandrake Linux RedHat and various other Linux platforms, bahakan PDA can also, simultaneously and stand alone like server.

So the ability Winconnect like mencloning entire server capabilities including all its programs without exception including the all PC resources such as CD ROMs, Internet conection, Hard Drive, Printer and so basically all of them, but each side of the stand-alone client or walk on their own. Proverbial computer server side dijalakan removed and each user but run itself by the same user / realtime.

Some of the advantages Terminal Connect this:

- Runs on Windows XP (Home or Professional versions) without using Operation System such as Windows Server 2000 Server.

- Mengcloning entire server capabilities and all its software to run on the client at no cost to the client at all (so the client only as input and outputs a keyboard and mouse, and display monitor). Suppose you have a Pentium I Pentium 4 others whose ability to run programs such as 3-D Studio Max or 3-D virtual reality where not able to run the client with the ability to Old PC as a low-Operation System (Win95, Win98, WinMe, Win2000), with the program client was able to run the program with the entire process is done in the Pentium 4.

- If the client runs on Windows XP simply use the existing Remote Display Protocol on Windows XP if you install in Windows 98/Me enough RDP windows XP.

- Client running on linux can run a Pentium 4 PC capabilities running on Windows XP. So, with this program you do not need any PC in the office you have to run Windows XP that requires a license must be purchased much less era IPR application today, so servers are using Windows XP others such as Linux. So Linux is also capable of running Windows XP and Linux installed every PC will run Windows XP simultaneously and operate independently to harness the full capabilities of Windows XP and its hardware without exception (except VGA). System is very nice manner applied in the cafe-cafe ........ saving dollars of course, without violating Microsoft licenses. For example, customers in the cafe sector in all there are 20 pc pc in instalkan Linux only (PC ...? Buying a second / cheap home was able to run the Linux). While on the server is to use one Windows XP licenses. And all your Linux PC be able to run Windows XP. Then if there is a hardware upgrade must be more efficient because the server that will be upgraded save right??.

- You can also work at home to take advantage of the ability of Windows XP in your office via the internet, which does not burden the ability of PCs in your home. For example in your home dial-up internet access with slow internet access and internet access in your office is very high speed, with the program will also take advantage of internet access which is also owned by the same fast Windows XP in your office, because all the processes performed in the server in your office while your home PC Display and communication displays only keyboard and mouse. (Not fun ......?).

- Installation is easy as when you install a program such as MS Office, Adobe, Corel. Unlike Citrix should run on Win2000 Server and the installation must need flair.

- The file size is very small compared with Cuma citrix 8.5 MB in size up to 300 MB.

- With this program Pentium 4 server capabilities will be utilized for a number of user / client freely. Compared with windows teriminal service owned windows 2000 must obtain licenses for each clientnya.

- Resolution to adjust the resolution of our client, can choose what we want pixel resolution as 460 x 480 or 800 x 600 or 1024 x 768 or more than it can afford and can monitor client in full screen mode which is as though our old Pentium PC 'm running windows XP.

- Good use for a cafe, offices can save if will upgrade hardware. Because not need to be complicated-complicated just replace aja server. And very efficient because the entire program will be available in the server wrote, so no need to install on the client. And in fact if you're observant you also can use a PC client diskless booting Thin Offiz using software or any other etc on Windows XP Server

6. For the client side

If Windows XP / Windows 2000 as a client in order to run a program that has been used built-in Windows XP on it.

Follow the steps below:

Click on the start menu
Select Programs
Select Accessories, click Communications, and then click "Remote Desktop Connection" will appear like the picture below:
To run this program in the general option on the option Computer Click the down arrow select the word "" is used to locate the terminal server is active, it will show a box containing a computer that has a terminal server.
Double-click the PC contained the Terminal Server and Windows XP will go into raising a log-on dialog box as shown below

If Client Windows 95/98/Me
If the program to run Remote Desktop Connection in Windows 95/98/Me Should we do the installation because Windows 95/98/Me program is not built-in in it, so it must first install the RDP for Windows 95/98/Me. As for the run all the same programs as a step to run on Windows XP/2000.

Sabtu, 11 Agustus 2012

duplicate the Windows system

if you do not want to be bothered with the process of re-install on your computer that may often damaged due to virus, etc.. Then you can use the software xxclone to overcome them.
xxclone is an application that can be used to menkloning / duplicate the Windows system. As with Norton Ghost, but Ghost is the difference paid, and which is free.

This application supports the format the partition FAT16, FAT32, and NTFS

on Microsoft Windows NT4, 2000 and XP and supports internal storage with IDE interface, SATA, and SCSI, and external as well as USB, Firewire and others.
These basic features are shared by all versions of XXClone:
1. Make a clone of the system is self-bootable volume
2. Make a full backup of non system volume
3. Restore / repair capabilities of the operating system boot
4. Membuat QDB (Quick Boot Diskette)
5. Create a batch file to repeat the operation
6. Can show an alternative wallpaper as a differentiator
7. Can be set to automatically shutdown after a task is completed
8. Can be set in the CPU usage of a specific task
9. Can save the log and debug files
10. Can add an option in the boot menu as a trial
11. Can duplicate the Volume ID
12. Can be run via command line (batch file)
13. Can run in minimized mode / hidden
14. Provide the most obvious tool DiskMgmt