Kamis, 19 Mei 2011

General terms in Computer Networking

General terms in Computer Networking
Network: network (network) is a collection of two or more computer systems are connected. There are many types of computer networks:

a. local-area network (LAN): a computer that is connected is in place adjacent gografis (eg a building).

b. wide-area network (WAN): a connected computer located in a remote place and connected by phone line or radio waves. in addition, computer networks can also be grouped based on the following criteria:

a. topology: connectivity setup between computer systems. There are a variety of topologies such as bus, star, and ring.

b. protocol: the protocol defines a group of rules and signals used by computers on the network to communicate. The most popular LAN protocol is Ethernet. Other LAN protocol that is widely used is the IBM token-ring network.

c. architecture: the network can be classified into the architecture of peer-to-peer or client / server.

NICs: NIC (network interface card) is the expansion boards are used so that computers can be connected to the network. Most NICs are designed for networks, protocols, and certain media. NIC cards are commonly referred to as LAN (Local Area Network Card).

Backbone: Backbone is a channel or high-speed connection to the main path in a network.

Bandwidth: Bandwidth indicates the capacity of carrying information. This term can be used in many ways: telephone, cable network, buses, radio frequency signals, and monitors. Most appropriate, bandwidth is measured by rotation per second (cycles per second), or hertz (Hz), ie the difference between the lowest and highest frequency that can be transmitted. But it is also frequently used measure of bits per second (bps).

Bridge: Bridge is a device that forwards traffic between network segments based on information on the data link layer. This segment has the same network layer address. Every network should only have a major bridge.

DNS: DNS (domain name system) is a system that translates Internet domain, such as www.microsoft.com into Internet addresses, ie a series of numbers that look like The term control related to the convention for naming the host on the Internet and the way of handling these names.

Ethernet: Ethernet is a LAN protocol developed by Xerox Corporation in cooperation with DEC and Intel in 1976. Ethernet uses a bus or star topology and supporting data transfers up to 10 Mbps. Newer version of Ethernet, called 100Base-T (or Fast Ethernet), supports data transfer up to 100 Mbps, and the newest version, Gigabit Ethernet, supports data transfer up to 1 Gigabit per second or 1000 Mbps.

Fast Ethernet: Ethernet Fast Ethernet as usual, but with a speed faster data transfer, up to 100 mbps. It also called 100BaseT Ethernet.

Gateway: The term gateway refers to hardware or software that bridges the two applications or networks that are not compatible, so that data can be transferred between different computers. One example usage is on the email gateway, so that an email exchange can be performed on different systems.

GPS: GPS (Global Positioning System) navigation system uses 24 satellites MEO (medium earth orbit or middle earth orbit) that surrounds the earth and the recipients of the earth. Satellites orbit at an altitude of about 12,000 miles above the earth and capable around the earth twice in 24 hours. GPS satellites continuously transmit digital radio signals containing satellite location data and associated time at receiver. GPS satellites equipped with atomic clocks with a precision of one per one million seconds. Based on this information, the receiving station knows how long it will be used to send signals to receivers on earth. The longer the time spent to get to the recipient, the more distant position from the satellite receiving station. by knowing the position of satellites, the receiver knows that the satellite is located at a certain position on the imaginary spherical surface centered on the satellite. By using three satellites, GPS can calculate the latitude and longitude of the receiver based on the intersection of the three imaginary ball. By using four satellites, can also be determined height. GPS was developed and operated by the U.S. Defense Department. GPS, originally known as NAVSTAR (Navigation System with Timing and Ranging). Prior to the broader purposes, GPS is used to provide navigation capabilities at all times and in all weather for military land, sea, and air forces. In addition to navigation and geographic positioning, GPS can also use them for mapping, forestry, mineral exploration, wild habitat management, and monitoring of population movement.

Host: Host is a computer system that is accessed by users who work in a remote location. Usually, the term is used if there are two computer systems connected to the modem and phone line. The system contains data that is called the host, while the system is used to assess from a distance is called a remote terminal. The term is also used to refer to the host computer connected to the network TCP / IP, including the Internet. Each host has a unique IP address. In addition, the term also refers to the host computer services infrastructure provision. For example, many companies that host Web servers, which means that the company provides hardware, software, and communication channels required by the server, but the content server (data) is controlled by another party.

ISP (Internet Service Provider): ISP (Internet service provider) is an Internet service provider. Most ISPs have a network of servers (mail, news, Web), routers, modems are connected with the connection "backbone" of a permanent Internet and high speed. ISP customers can get an Internet connection with modem and telephone. To access the ISP's Internet subscribers have to dial into the network by pressing a particular telephone number of the ISP.

Internet: The Internet is a global network that connects millions of computers. Since 1999 the Internet has had 200 million users worldwide, and this number is increasing rapidly. More than 100 countries connect to the Internet to exchange data, news and other information. Every computer connected to the Internet are called hosts.

ISDN: ISDN (Integrated Services Digital Network) is an international communications standard for sending voice, video and data over digital telephone lines or normal telephone wires. ISDN has a data transfer speed of 64 Kbps. Most ISDN lines offered by telephone companies which allows two channels, called B channels (B channels). One line can be used for voice and another for the other and both have data transfer rates of 128 Kbps. Early versions of ISDN using baseband transmission. Other versions of ISDN, the B-ISDN, uses broadband transmission and can support data transmission speed of 1.5 Mbps.

Protocol (IP): Language or related procedures used by one computer system with other systems so that between the two can be mutually berhububngan. To be able to communicate. Both systems must use the same protocol.

PPP (Point To Point Protocol): TCP / IP protocol that allows the relationship between host and network between the router with a router or can be used for serial connection between 2 systems.

Repeater: A device that is placed at specific points in the network to update the signals are transmitted to reach back to its original strength and shape, in order to extend the distance that can be achieved. It's in need because the signals have weakening and changes in shape during transmission.

Router: A device that serves to connect a LAN to an internetworking / WAN and manage the distribution of data traffic in it.

Routing: The process of determining a path that is in use to send data to a specific destination.

RJ-45: RJ-45 (Registered Jack-45) was eight-wire connector that is usually used to connect computers into a local-area network (LAN), especially Ethernets. RJ-45 connectors are similar to RJ-11 connector used in telephone connections, but bigger.

Server: A unit that serves to store information and to manage a network komputer.komputer server will serve the whole client or worstation that connect to its network.

TCP / IP: TCP / IP Transmission Control Protocol are two protocols developed by the U.S. military that allows computers on the network can be interconnected. IP is used to transfer data packets antarsimpul. TCP be used for verifying delivery from client to server. TCP / IP is the foundation of the Internet and can be found on all modern operating systems, like Unix and Windows.

Topology: The topology of computer networks is a form of interconnection arrangements between computer systems. there are a variety of topologies such as bus, star, ring.

UTP: UTP (Unshielded Twisted Pair) is a type of cable consisting of two wire was wrapped in a spiral. UTP cables are widely used in local-area networks (LANs) and telephone lines because the price is cheaper. UTP cable is not as good as coaxial cable and fiber optics in terms of providing bandwidth and resilience to interference.

VLAN: VLAN (virtual local-area network) is a computer network that seemed to connect using the same cable though it may be physically located on the LAN to another. VLANs are configured through software and not hardware, which makes it very flexible.
One of the benefits of VLANs is that if a computer is physically moved to another location, the computer remains on the same VLAN without any hardware reconfiguration.

VPN: VPN (virtual private network) is a secure private internet connection and encrypted to ensure that only entitled users can access and data trasfer is done can not be bothered.

VSAT: VSAT (Very Small Aperture Terminal) earth station used in satellite communications of data signals, voice, and video, except for transmitting television. VSAT consists of two parts: a transceiver that is put in place open so it can directly receive signals from a satellite and a device that is placed in the room to connect the transceiver and the end user communication devices (end user), such as a PC.
Transceiver receives and sends signals to the satellite transponder space outside. The satellite sends and receives signals from earth station computer that serves as a hub system. Any users who are connected with stasiunhub through satellite, forming a star topology. hub to control all operations on the network. All transmissions to communicate between the user must go through stasiunhub who passed them on to the satellite and VSAT kepengguna another. VSAT can transmit data up to speeds of 56 Kbps.

WAN: WAN wide area network is a connected computer located in a remote place and relationships with telephone lines or radio waves. See also LAN and network.

Wi-Fi: Wi-Fi Wireless Fidelity is the official trade name for IEEE 802.11b Wireless Ethernet Compatibility made by the Alliance (WECA). The term Wi-Fi to replace 802.11b as well as replacing the term Ethernet IEEE 802.3. Products that are certified by WECA as Wi-Fi can operate together even though made by different companies.

Workstation: On a network computer, workstation is a computer that is connected with a local-area network (LAN).
The term is also used to refer to a workstation computer used for engineering applications (CAD / CAM), desktop publishing, software development, and other applications that require a level of computing and graphics capabilities are quite high.
Workstations usually consists of a large-screen graphics with high revolution, at least 64 MB of RAM, built-in network support, and graphical user interface.
Most workstations also have a storage device such as disk drives, but a special type of workstation, called a diskless workstation, do not have disk drives. The operating system is widely used for workstations are UNIX and Windows NT. As with PCs, most workstations are single-user computers, however, basically a workstation connected to a local area network, although it can also sebgian stand-alone systems that stand alone.

100BaseT: 100BaseT Fast Ethernet is another name that has a transmission speed up to 100 mbps. 100BaseT type is more expensive than 10BaseT and more rarely used in local area network (LAN).

10Base2: 10Base2 is one type of standard Ethernet (IEEE802.3) for local area network (LAN). Standard 10 Base-2 (also called thinnet) koasial 50 ohm cable (RG-58A / U) with a maximum length of 185 meter.kabel is smaller and more flexible than that used for standard 10 Base 5. 10 Base-2 system operates at 10 Mbps and uses baseband transmission methods.

10 Base5: 10 Base-5 adalqh initial standard for Ethernet that uses koasial cable. names of 10 Base5 is based on the fact that the maximum data transfer speed is 10 Mbps. Baseband transmission, and the maximum cable length is 500 meters. 10 Base5 also called Thick Wire or thick Net.

10BaseT: 10BaseT Ethernet is the most common type. The name indicates that the maximum transmission speed is 10Mbps. 10BaseT uses copper wires and is a standard card to connect computers on a local area network (LAN)
source: IT Dictionary

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